Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:13 p.m. No.12853138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3145 >>3147 >>3165

Violence is the pillar on which all societies are built and its repression is tantamount to societal collapse.


For societies to function, there must be a set of agreed upon rules, which we call laws, to govern all individuals which comprise them. Without those rules to abide by, individuals would likely work against each other and societies would collapse. Even assuming the good will of the individuals comprising a society, having laws allows us to determine the point at which a dysfunctional individual must be stopped by force.


Of course, laws are simply words. Spoken words or words on paper, but only words. Laws gain power through their enforcement, and enforcement is only possible through violence or the implied threat of violence. As an example, a man may pay off a speeding ticket because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, but what stops him from deciding he doesn’t feel like paying it is the threat of being forcefully taken to jail. And once in jail, what keeps him behaved is the threat of further confinement, which is achieved through violence. Thus, without violence, laws cannot be enforced. If laws cannot be enforced, the laws mean nothing. If the laws mean nothing, then nothing stops individuals from acting against the well-being of that society. And if nothing stops individuals from acting against the well being of society, then the society will eventually collapse. It will take longer in societies where individuals are responsible, but it will happen eventually. What keeps the predatory, the sociopathic, from gaining full power over individuals aiming to make society function, is the threat of violence against them.


Thus, the notion that “violence is never the answer” is a laughable one.We teach(or rather, our governments teach)our children that violence is wrong, that they must never use it no matter what. The aim of this is to create a society of slaves who will never protect themselves when abused. It is slave morality and we must emancipate ourselves from it.


Yes, violence is acceptable, in certain conditions.It may not be desirable, but it becomes acceptable – nay,necessary– if one hopes to have a complex and functional society. Otherwise, what you have is merely a parody of a society, a human organization which does not work for the good and improvement of humanity, but for the glory of its sociopathic leaders. This, in essence, is the reason behind the west’s continued descent into decadence. If the decent, righteous folks who constitute the majority of mankind refuse to engage in violence, then dysfunctional individuals won’t hesitate to take what they want by force. Over time, this will allow them to gain positions of power where they will weaken the laws even further and allow even more dysfunctionals into positions of power until we reach a point where the common folk are dominated by a handful of psychopaths, refusing to defend themselves as they believe violence is wrong while letting violence be used to dominate them.


Once such a point is reached, the less intelligent brutes will begin using violence not because they want freedom from the dominating castes, but merely because no one is stopping them. The decent folk refuse to use violence to stop them while those in charge don’t care. Worse, those in charge now hesitate to use violence to stop the brutes because it might set a precedent, teach the decent folks that violence is indeed the answer. This is how we wind up with riots all over the place and eventually, either when someone sees an opportunity to seize power or the decent folks finally have enough, civil war. Once the civil war blows over, people with power and the will to enforce laws will create their new state, with new laws, but none can tell if these laws will be the kind which allow a civilized society.


In conclusion, it is my belief that to prevent a total societal failure of the west, it is imperative to teach violence to people again. Teach them how to do it, when to do it, why they should do it.


Remember that it is not a prayer which will keep the darkness at bay, but a sword.

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.12853145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3151 >>3381


“Rights are not protected by law, but by the citizen’s willingness to use violence against the authorities when they are not respected.”We often talk about rights. In fact, George Carlin had his own routine concerning rights, where he questioned the legitimacy of rights as an idea and eventually concluded that either you have all rights, or you have no rights at all. His explanation was mostly aimed at being humorous, but I think it is important to examine what rights are and why we have them, or rather why a government would feel inclined to let us have them. I propose the following answers:

  1. Rights are what the citizens of a nation are entitled to as long as they follow the conditions following those rights, namely following the law. It is not laws which dictate what rights citizens have, but their rights which dictate what laws are possible.

  2. The reason a government would rather let its citizens have rights is to avoid violent conflict. Violence is undesirable because of the inevitable destruction it brings and so by knowing what the government is not allowed to do unless it wants to face a violent uprising from its citizens, violence can be averted. They are essentially a way to have “civil discourse” if you will.

Let us examine the first answer I give, namely that rights are what citizens are entitled to as long as they follow the law, and that laws are designed around rights, not the other way around. First, a citizen who follows the law should expect his rights to be respected. And even if there is an accusation against him, certain rights also protect him in that they allow him to have a proper defense and such.Without rights, citizens would essentially be constantly at the mercy of their government. They would have no official power to oppose the authority in any way.

However, as long as they have rights and they are respected, then the citizens are capable of defending themselves against potentially abusive authorities.Likewise, this is why it is not laws which should determine what rights you possess,but rather the rights you have which should determine what laws can be created.If laws can change rights, then the government can decide which rights you have and they are essentially meaningless. On the other hand, if laws must be designed around predetermined rights, then the government does not have the power to create laws which violate your rights.


Yet all this is meaningless unless the citizenship is willing to enforce its rights.


So we reach the most important point I am making here, which is the necessity of the citizenship‘s willingness to engage in violence if the government denies its rights.


You see, one must ask himself what forces the government to respect rights in the first place. If they ignore them, if they trample them, what ill will befall them? Who will stop them? The answer here is simple:The citizenship must stop them, and the only means by which they can achieve it is through violence.Some foolish souls may claim that merely electing a new government will change things, but voting is in itself a right and if a government is willing to remove one right, it will not hesitate to remove another.And if one party does not suffer dire consequences for attacking the rights of the citizenship, then the other parties have no incentive to restore those rights. Thus, paradoxically, it is violence which gives rise to rights. And rights arise and are respected in order to avoid violence.

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.12853151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3381


Governments themselves have an incentive to respect rights. As said, violence is destructive and it is far more efficient to arrive at a peaceful solution, which involves respecting the rights of the citizenship. Though it could ignore said rights, this would be at an undesirable cost. Or rather, it should be, which brings me to my ultimate point.


This is why everything is going wrong with the west right now. This is the root cause of all the issues which we are faced with: Governments are not respecting their citizens’ rights, yet these citizens are unwilling to use violence to defend themselves. Rather, they sit back and grumble quietly, telling themselves that it’s preferable to lose those rights than to engage in violence.


It is not.


It is unacceptable for any man who believes that he has any rights to allow these abuses to take place. Though it is important to make sure that rights have been violated before taking action so as to make sure one is righteous, once it is truly determined that a citizen’s rights are not being respected, it is the duty of all to rise up and oppose their government. Those who sit down and begrudgingly accept these repeated outrages are no better than slaves and deserve no better fate than slaves.


And so, remember this, and plan accordingly. Once your government thinks they can take away your rights, it is time to hold on to them as tight as possible with one hand while thrusting your spear with the other. Otherwise, you are nothing but a slave and deserve to be treated as such.

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:23 p.m. No.12853247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3264



It is predictable.


Here is a partial list of the defamatory names of condemnation. Pay attention. These are utilized by tyrannical regimes. These well map out the fate meted out to people so branded:


1793, France

Enemies of the people

Enemies of the revolution




Criminal Clergy

Criminals against Liberty


These terms were used often, and resulted in mass executions by guillotine in Paris and cities across France. Additionally, there was total and complete genocide against the Catholic clergy, nuns and laity of La Vendee.


You see. They weren’t “progressive” enough.


Well, that was France. Just France. Well, look at what happened in Russia. Know your history.


1917, Russia

Bourgeois Capitalists



Political deviants




Mental defectives


All this resulted in mass executions by firing squad, mass graves. There was imprisonment and torture in Lubuanka and Leforto prisons. Millions starved to death. Others sentenced to hard labor in Siberia. Know your history.


In Russia, it was “Trotskyite Privilege”.


Well, that was just two examples, the argument goes. Ok, then. Let’s look at China…


1966, China

Class enemies


Bad elements


Rich peasants

Impure elements



Of course, this resulted in re-education camps, sanctioned mass murder by Red Guards, torture, imprisonment, and starvation.


In China, it was “Revisionist Privilege”.


And now, today in the United States. Ah, you say…. “It could never happen here.” That’s what everyone is saying…right?


2016, USA









White Privaledge


What could possibly happen?


In America it will be “White privilege”.


What makes these derogatory blanket terms salient and potentially dangerous is that they were intentionally uttered publicly in front of an audience of admirers in 2016 by Hillary Clinton. And, when she uttered these words; words designed to minimize other Americans, and trivialize them, the crowd burst into clamorous applause.


She did so in possession of all the levers of State power. She did so and used these defamatory, inflammatory, dehumanizing terms to describe en masse tens of millions of American citizens. People like me, and like YOU, the reader.

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:25 p.m. No.12853264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3278


De-arming the citizens


Genocide can only happen once the citizens are disarmed. Then you can lie to them, and convince them to obey you. Works every time. It works like a charm.


Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away

Democrats – Trying To Separate You From Your Firearms

An Armed Citizenry Is A Free Citizenry, Which Is Why Liberals Want You Disarmed


There are multiple avenues that the Marxists are taking to disarm Americans. This should be obvious to everyone. But there are other avenues of approach that are being done in secret and are hidden. One of which was by UN treaty.


Luckily on “pause” for now…


All it takes is for the US Senate to ratify the UN agreement, and the President to sign it. When that happens, the Bill of Rights become subject to modification by the UN.


Now, once you are disarmed, then comes genocide. It always happens. Always.


Know your history.

Don’t allow it to happen to YOU.


Others have mapped out “signposts” and “markers” along the way in order for people to gauge the relative state of American affairs regarding Marxist takeover. They often have many, many great things to say.


The Western Rifle Shooters blog-spot has a number of excellent writers on this subject. One of whom is “Bracken”. I have provided numerous excerpts from his profound insights. One of which is below. Take note…


" The Yellow Line:

The yellow warning line will be crossed with national gun registration laws, including laws forbidding private gun sales without government permission. When that law passes, millions of Americans will feel that they have been pushed directly to the edge of the abyss above the mass graves of history. Defenders of the Second Amendment know what happened in Turkey, the USSR, Germany, China, and other nations that fell under totalitarian rule: in every case a necessary preliminary step on the road to genocide was national gun registration, followed by confiscation. The Jewish survivors of the Nazi Holocaust say, “Never again!” And so do we.


The Red Line:

The red line will be crossed with the passage of laws mandating that currently owned weapons, ammunition magazines, and ammunition quantities above a certain number must be turned in to authorities or destroyed, and thereafter their simple possession will be a felony. At that point, the nation will be on a hair trigger, with a thousand flaring matches nearing a thousand primed cannon fuses aimed directly at the next Fort Sumter.


The Dead Line:

The next line requires a bit of history to explain. In some primitive Civil War POW camps, where lack of funding or logistical constraints did not allow the construction of proper fences, a knee-high continuous railing of wooden slats encircled the prison grounds. Guards with rifles were positioned at the corners and in crude towers. If a prisoner so much as stepped over the narrow plank, he was shot dead without warning, obviating the need for a real fence to contain him. Hence the term “dead line.” Cross the line and people die, right now.


And this is what liberal utopians must understand: after passing the yellow line with national gun registration and transfer requirements, and the red line by making possession of currently legal firearms felonious, the dead line will be breached with the first SWAT raids upon citizens suspected of owning legal firearms made illegal by the new gun control laws. People will die resisting confiscation, in large numbers.


Confiscation crosses the dead line, make no mistake about it.




I am sure that he thinks that we are getting close to “zero hour”. But, maybe we are way past that moment in time. Maybe.


Now, let’s just see where we are, shall we…

Yellow Line


Requiring government permission to exercise the right to own a gun. Sorry. We have been there for almost a century.


Red Line


This is where guns, ammo, or types of gun components must be turned into the government. We have been there for almost a full decade. Ever since Obama became President.


Police Begin Seizing Guns of Civilians – The New York Times

California Man Has Home Raided, Guns Confiscated After Trying to Register Firearm

Can the Police Take Your Gun(s) During a State of Emergency?

New York Safe Act: Renew Your Permit and Register All Your Guns or Face Confiscation

NY Gun Confiscation – Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms


Those progressive Marxists are pretty emboldened. Taunting us conservatives like that. Maybe they are in their own echo chamber or maybe they know something we don’t.


Maybe they know something…

Dead Line

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:26 p.m. No.12853278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3281


We are there. People now die when the police come to their houses to collect their guns.


Home Resident Killed by Maryland Police Trying Confiscate His Guns

Anne Arundel police say officers fatally shot armed man in his home trying to confiscate his guns

Maryland Man Killed By Cops Trying To Take His Guns

It Begins… Man Fatally Shot By Cops While Unlawfully trying to confiscate his guns.


Convinced yet?


Rouse up the rabble through organized rallies and protests


In order to instigate genocide, there is a formula that must be followed with some due care.


Demonize a class of people.

Promote that demonization into mainstream society.

Normalize it to a point where pure hatred manifests.

Create rallies and protests that will inflame the hatred.

Then disarm the people so hated.


The Causes of Genocide


“[To get a] permit to own a firearm, that person should undergo an exhaustive criminal background check. In addition, an applicant should give up his right to privacy and submit his medical records for review to see if the person has ever had a problem with alcohol, drugs or mental illness . . . The Constitution doesn’t count!”


-John Silber, former chancellor of Boston University and candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. Speech before the Quequechan Club of Fall River, MA. August 16, 1990


Know your history. Read a textbook why don’t ya.

Here is a slide from a history class. Apply it to America today, why don’t ya.


Hillary Clinton used it in such a way to recruit others to openly attack (physically) her conservative opposition. Much in the same way the the RUF became motivated to attack the long-standing traditional elements of society in Sierra Leone.


Once in power, the laws will be prejudicial


As we already see in the United States, there are two sets of laws.


One set are for the progressive democrat Marxists. The other set of laws are for everyone else. While currently, it provides advantage for the progressive socialists, once they obtain power, they will twist the laws to be completely prejudicial to their opposition. Like you.


In the Urban areas, the police will be active in purging conservatives from society.


Know your history. See how the German Nazi Socialists treated the Jews.


Indeed, one can only imagine what it would be like if the word “Jew” was replaced by the word “conservative”.


All Conservatives must wear a sign on the front and back of their clothing;

Shopping hours for Conservatives are restricted to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Conservatives are only allowed out of their residences for these hours and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.;

Conservatives are barred from public events and transportation and are not to walk on the beach;

Conservatives are required to leave the sidewalk if they encounter anyone in uniform;

Conservative shops are required to display the sign “A non-progressive business” in the window;

Conservatives are to surrender all radios, televisions, computers, cell phones, fax machines, and typewriters.

Conservatives are to surrender all uniforms, arms and knives in their possession.

Conservative are to surrender all means of transportation; including cars, bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, and boats.


What? You think it can never happen?


Wake up. It has been going on for the last decade or so…

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:26 p.m. No.12853281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3284 >>3421 >>3524


Do not expect mercy


I’ll tell you what, do not expect mercy from these people.

Prior to Hitler banning Jews, and carting them off to concentration camps, he demonized them.


There was a constant anti-Jew media onslaught on all the media. In addition he created non-Jew stores, gatherings and rallies.


He talked and railed about “Jewish privilege” so much, that it started to be talked about in universities and promoted in stores and restaurants. After a decade of this, the rank and file Germans hated Jews so much that they couldn’t see straight.


The smart Jews fled.


The rest sat hopefully believing that their representatives in (the German version of "trust the plan") Congress would stop the flow of anti-Jewish sentiment.


They mistakenly believed that all that nonsense about “Jewish privilege” on university campuses would end.


They foolishly believed that it would just dissipate over time, and things would get back to “normal”.


When the time came, the German people vented their anger on the Jews.


Mobs of “normal” German boys went on rape crusades. They hunted for Jewish girls to attack and rape. Jewish stores and businesses were vandalized. Jews were ostracized in public, and everything Jewish was shunned.


This kind of activity is common. It always happens. Consider Sierra Leone.


This is a common activity by the progressive left.


They identify a target and then relentlessly attack them. Anger against the target builds up and up, until it is unleashed in a fury of hatred. It happened in Germany, and it happened against the Tutsi in Rwanda.


The media is complicit in all Genocides.


They are used as a tool to generate an irrational hatred towards one particular class of people. Then, when the hatred reaches a peak or zeal, they allow it to vent. The result is thousands of deaths, and many more harmed irreparably.


Make no mistake. The American Civil War 2 will be an ideological genocide. The stage has already been set.


All that is needed are just a very few “chess pieces” to move into place. Just a few. Aside from that, everything is ready.


Right now, today in the United States, the complicit American media is fostering and fomenting this kind of ideological zeal against the following types of people…


White people (for slavery and “privilege”.)

Straight white males that show alpha-male qualities.

Anyone who lives outside of a major city.

Anyone who holds a conservative point of view.


The internet and media is rife of anti-white sentiment, and people “admitting” to their “privilege”.


If you fit into any of the above characteristics, then I will be the first to tell you that you will not, and your family will not, be given ANY mercy. These progressive liberal democrats will come into your house and kill you without blinking an eyelash.


It’s already happening…


Ah, yes. The Progressive Liberal Democrat Superintendent Eddie Johnson said that he doesn’t believe the incident was politically motivated.


You see, if it is an attack against a “white person”, and they are repeatedly railing against Donald Trump, it is not racist, nor is it political. You see there are one set of rules for progressive democrats, and another set of laws and rules for conservatives.


You have to understand that this is the reality in America today.

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 3:26 p.m. No.12853284   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It isn’t just one LONE incident either. These kinds of anti-white aggression are popping up everywhere like a “wack a mole”. And everywhere where they manifest, the criminals are let off with a slap on the wrist and the event down-played as insignificant.


TA Who Said ‘White People Might Have to Die’ Did Not Violate Code of Conduct


Now, none of this should be new to the reader. Most Americans, on both sides, are well aware of this.


What should be new is the…

Things that are likely to happen…


There are many things that can happen when progressive socialists come to power. Especially when the general population is ready and primed for attack by ideologically motivated progressive Marxists.


Study these pictures. They are not photo-shopped.


Remember how Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton was completely shocking everyone with their actions?


Do. You. Remember?


Suddenly we had [1] retroactive tax increases, and [2] forcing Americans to buy things. We had [3] enormous giveaways of billions of dollars with no oversight or permissions, and [4] drone strikes on Americans. They did strange things while in office, that only now can we see the implications of…


…like Bill Clinton stacking the 9th circuit court with radical socialists. (People on FR watched in horror as this took place. We watched as closed door sessions were conducted, and “off-site” meetings were held purposefully omitting conservatives.)


Look at America today. How many decades have we Americans had to deal with this one singular problem?


Imagine getting into a time machine and going just a few years in the future when another Democrat has control of the White House, the Senate, and Congress. Do you really think that the next presidential democrat will be like Jimmy Carter, or John Kennedy? Nope. Not by a long shot.


The next democrat president will be DANGEROUS.


Make no mistake. The democrat party is off the rails and is in dangerous territory. This is nothing to take lightly or trivially. Who would ever think that a failed artist and corporal would take over Germany with the crazy Nazi party? Well, it happened.


What is going to happen in the USA is going to be far worse.


Know your history. Don’t let it happen to you.


NY Gun Confiscation – Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Anonymous ID: 498bb9 Feb. 7, 2021, 4:15 p.m. No.12853808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3823 >>3824


>It is funny because they try to threaten and basically do things to try and make you afraid. Intimidation gang stalking constantly. They will do anything for communist rule. They are brain washed… The election was rigged 100% proof is out and they will not even look at it or allow it to be put on the news. Why because antifa supports dictators.

And we have been trained to sit here and do nothing.