Why do I suspiciously think the artist of these summoned real succubi, got in way over his head, got saved and flushed the demons and now puts his experiences in his art?
Or maybe he got a bad fever from sinusitis one time and hallucinated shit
Why do I suspiciously think the artist of these summoned real succubi, got in way over his head, got saved and flushed the demons and now puts his experiences in his art?
Or maybe he got a bad fever from sinusitis one time and hallucinated shit
Look I'm genuinely engaging you here; trying to learn.
I understand the conclusions you're drawing and appreciate you for making them easy-to-understand.
My question though is HOW did you determine the ALIENS are the Pleiadians?
stop calling them out by specifically showing their fails you american pig i mean fellow anon
seriously though try not to give them tips they might adapt like the borg bug people they are
that is possibirity anon son
I agree with you; however, I have thought about at the midterms to protest at the balloting area (with legal permits of course) saying why are you wasting your time it is rigged blah blah
In deep fake and gay lung cancer voice:
Sorry but I'm genuinely that interested.
Wha, What? Somebody say my name?
This anon provides a good perspective we don't hear around these parts too much.
There is A LOT of overlap between corporate leadership/persuasion if you will especially persuasion in sales and the shit propaganda we get blasted with every cock-sucking nightmare of a day.
I think that Dilbert guy Scott Adams??? points it out too.
sow is a pig dumbass
Well I fucking hate the NCAA
They got their panties stuck into their fucking cracksboth of themwhen one of their sites for March Fagness passed a gay transgender bathroom thing or whatever.
The NCAA goes on and on about bigotry and racism while they get free slave niggers and slave whites too slam dunking, field goal kicking, and grand slamming all for NOTHING whileget this mutha fuckasthe NCAA gets ROYALTIES from the likenesses of athletes used in EA video games!!!!!!!!!1
I wish one of us would get lucky and could infiltrate one of these ops for the lulz.
Somebody says a stupid line looking all dramatic then we can say 'no, no, cameras over THERE!'