>Which part, the sauce of him saying there is no plan was all over the place.
Yeah. So obviously I was talking about the other part. No sauce, right?
>Enough or do you want more?
Yes could I please have a link to this website selling QAnon merch.
That would be great.
That was no sauce. If Flynn had a website selling Q merch it would be front and center.
You niggers are terrible at this.
>No arrests = no crimes
Not bad. Closest thing to actual sauce yet.
Still don't see Flynn selling Q merch though as alleged by OP "sauce" Daily Beast and NYT.
Definitely a close second.. kek.
Yes I know fellow anon. I'm very heart broken that General Flynn turns out to be also part of the DeepState making money from t-shirts. I shouldn't be surprised.
Good luck us all anon. I'm leaving now.
Are you old enough to remember when Q posted a link a Slayer song - Evil Has No Boundaries (from their first album Show No Mercy)?
To all you fake faggots posting here who have been "asked" to do so and to "blend in" with "anons" to try to "confuse" and/or "disrupt" normal board activity..
I'm sorry. All this shit is being tracked by military. Probably done on purpose to expose the people who are paying you (or blackmailing you).
Whatever it is.. your bosses are fucked big time.