GoFundMe Anon.. you still here? Someone just donated $2000
Nope, more interested why this hasn't happened yet:
The Declaration of Independence, in a statement unique in human history, states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,…" Those are the most revolutionary words ever attested to then or today, but our ability to exercise those rights are put at risk when people so casually demean the importance of the work our forefathers undertook for our benefit. Look up the meaning of "unalienable"-it means that which cannot be given away or taken away. But our unalienable rights can be and are increasingly being trampled upon.
While true perfection is unattainable by mortal man, our Constitution, if we would only resolve to actually uphold it, along with the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, are the greatest governing principles ever devised by any great nation.
The problems we face today, as ever, but now to the extreme, are caused by rampant corruption in government and all sectors of society, and that can only be countered by truly upholding our founding principles, and most importantly, practicing fair and equal justice under the law. Only then can we have any hope of electing an uncorrupted person to high office, from either wing of the uni-party.
This is an excerpt from a letter to the editor of a small liberal cesspool town.
Q makes "predictions" of sorts in order to change the timeline and prevent something bad from happening.
Physics has proven that by observing events the event is changed.
>>12851976 (pb)
>Some memories for ya.
>1) The night of the 10 lost breads
>2) Q&A Not alone
>3) Toiletboi
>4) Planefags call the 2018 Dec 26th secret trip to Iraq 6 hours before the media.
>What else you got out there?
My favorite memory: Repeated calls were being made for people to step up and bake, especially on Night Shift. One night, an Anon was baking for the first time. He commented that he was glad that Q wasn't posting because he was just learning, and was managing to keep up. Not five minutes later, Q posted, and the bread shifted to ludicrous speed. Hilarious.
Leftists complaining about an old white guy who just keeps winning and won't go away. It seems familiar somehow.
>I need a headline.
Grab a permanent marker.
Draw a line across your face. Be creative.
There's your headline. Now flesh out the piece with the usual navel-gazing drivel.
Look where the lower-center Hillary image's mouth is on that person's body. Coincidence?
Sounds to me like Barr is still the AG.