SBA Hid Comms With Planned Parenthood Amid GOP Criticism Over PPP Loans
The Small Business Administration hid communications with Planned Parenthood regarding allegedly illegal COVID-19 loans, emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.
The DCNF filed a Freedom of Information Act request in May 2020 for communications regarding Planned Parenthood’s Paycheck Protection Program loans after GOP lawmakers called for an investigation into the $80 million in loans given to Planned Parenthood affiliates.
Lawmakers have argued that these affiliates obtained the loans illegally.
The Small Business Administration hid communications with Planned Parenthood regarding COVID-19 loans that Republicans say were illegal, emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.
The SBA released heavily redacted emails between the agency, lenders and Planned Parenthood affiliates in response to a Freedom of Information Act request the DCNF filed in May 2020. GOP lawmakers had previously demanded an investigation into $80 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, saying they were obtained illegally.
The SBA has repeatedly declined to comment on the Republicans’ claims.
“Americans have a right to know why their tax dollars went to Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics instead of struggling small businesses, non-profits, and churches,” Sen. Tom Cotton told the DCNF.
“The Small Business Administration ought to disclose how Planned Parenthood affiliates gamed the system to illegally receive PPP loans—and then refer those affiliates to the Department of Justice for prosecution,” the Arkansas Republican continued.
SBA Dodges Addressing Redactions
The redacted communications appear to discuss Republican concerns over the PPP loans as well as a letter from GOP lawmakers demanding investigations into whether the loans were illegally distributed.
Due to the redactions, it is not clear what the SBA decided or how the SBA rationalized its decision. However, one May 18, 2020 email from an SBA employee to a Sun Trust email address said that the SBA did not have the ability to make a final determination on eligibility as “these decisions are the responsibility of the applicant and the lender.”
The email noted that an unnamed applicant met the needed 501(c)(3) criteria.
“If other eligibility criteria is met then the submission may be eligible,” the email said.