How did this actor end up on tv 24/7? >>12857774
I know you are a moron.
I can see most ANONS have moved on and its mostly paid shills and shit posters here but I'll still post here until the site is taken down.
My whole life over 60 years has been dealing with this deep state shit because I was born into it.
I have four a few years.
I do better with snipe and duck. I've tried writing books there is too much info and I get discouraged by the mountain.
Circle back girl.
Thanks! I lived and worked with the people in the deep state it's not a conspiracy.
I wasn't helping their side.
Their wives and children hate them.
Circle back girl.
Retired contractor.
I'm so old I had neighbors with black live in maids.
And I respected them way more that their employers.
Jesus is God but Churches are 50% of the problem.
I hung out and lived with the most prominent Pastors in the 80's. They told me they were in it for the money.
They will get their land back.
And the Japanese internment camp victims will also.
Lincoln Reagan and Trump were the only woke presidents.
Q was just some guy/girl who was paid to post some stuff.
Even with multiple takes Joe fucked up.
When Joe screws the pooch he says "Look."
Look means "Im going to hell but I want to pretend I'm not.
South Dakota may have great politics but it's a horrible place to live weather wise.
Why is britons national anthem Jerusalem?
Mick Jager loves Satan.
Mick Jagger made a fortune worshiping Satan.