Anonymous ID: bebcc5 Feb. 7, 2021, 10:47 p.m. No.12857686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7699 >>7717

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 3)


Everything is currently in place for a full-scale genocide against “the privileged white”, the “rural deporables”, and the “crackers who are racist and love slavery”. You know who they are targeting. Yet, somehow everything thinks that all this narrative is organic. That it grew into being on it’s own. Wrong. It is cultivated, and intentional to drum up hatred and zeal to “transform America”.


“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.


“That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”


-The Gateway Pundit


Political Commissars


One of the things that occurred during the Obama Administration was the creation of “Diversity Officers”. The administration was very active in this regard and today you will find them in every single Fortune 500 Company in the United States.


A “Diversity Officer” is a “Political Commissar”.


Their sole purpose of existence is to promote and force-feed a progressive liberal socialist agenda in the majority of workplaces in the nation.


When you see that saying “Merry Christmas” is banned, you can thank a “diversity officer”. When you see a company spending millions of dollars on an advertisement talking about “toxic masculinity”, you can thank a “diversity officer”. When you see “whites not permitted” meetings, or hours, you can thank a “diversity officer”. When you see advertisements excluding white males… you can count on it be initiated by a political commissar.


As long as these people exist in the United States, the nation will transform and stay progressive.


These political commissars are particularly dangerous when SHTF. This is because…


They make lists of potential dissidents and non-conformists.

They are ideological, and make decisions on emotion.

They are in strong positions of power.

They push a progressive liberal agenda in EVERY regard.

They will prosecute against anyone based on ideology.


These lists are dangerous, as they WILL be used against you. The history books are full of such examples.


These political commissars play an important role in shaping how society evolves, and aids in singling out obstacles to the Marxist ideology. Not only that, but tons of money are pouring towards their employment and progressive liberal activities.Do not be under the impression that there are only a mere handful of political commissars in the United States. That is an illusion founded on ignorance. Check out this screen shot of a search for “Diversity Officers” in the United States on LinkedIN.

Anonymous ID: bebcc5 Feb. 7, 2021, 10:50 p.m. No.12857699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7708 >>7734


Providing Domestic Police with Expanded Powers


Up until 9-11, there was no such thing as a “Federal Police”, the DHS or Department of Homeland Security. It did not exist. That is simply because the Constitution forbade the use of soldiers on American soil. What the Constitution says is only as good as the leadership in obeying and following it.


America is what it is today because no one is following the Constitution.


Well, of course, just because the Constitution says it can’t happen doesn’t mean that it won’t. You just give it a new name.


Instead of calling it a military force you call it a police force. And, now we know what that friendly “police force” is up to, don’t we? Today we have numerous domestic military forces. Not just the DHS, but the FBI, the NSA and of course the dreaded “goose-stepping” IRS.


Today, if you do not have mandatory medical insurance you must pay the fine and it is enforced by the most feared federal agency in the United States; the dreaded IRS.


Not only that, but President Obama gave the IRS military weapons, tanks, and a complete SWAT team. All to be used against tax evasion. But, only American citizens pay taxes, so that means that all these military weapons are being used domestically against Americans.


Why against Americans? I thought that the United States Constitution was very clear that NO MILITARY of any type shall be used by the government against Americans. Maybe they have other plans…


Incidents of Conflict with supporting Media coverage demanding “action”


Once it is clear who the enemies are, the progressive socialist machine will ramp up attacks. This will be in the form of random groups of individuals who will be permitted to conduct violence without consequence, and coordinated attacks.


This may take the form of a “major event”. Like a plane crash killing the President or some senior level officials. It might be initiated by a mass murder using a selection of firearms which pretty much resulted in the disarming of the UK, Australia and New Zealand.


Works like a charm – every time.


It might vary from a mob chasing a boy wearing a MAGA hat, and beating him senseless, to individuals taking a weapon and shooting up a Country and Western Concert, or even attacking Conservatives at a baseball game.


The media would then start to drum up a constant war beat…


Collect and ban all guns.

Arrest and go “nuclear” on gun owners.

Disarm all “identified enemies of progressive thought”

Censor their Social Media.

Censor their major media outlet and famous personalities.

Attack how they speak at work and at school.

Place limits on tradition and holidays.


You need to be reminded what lies in store for you once you are disarmed. Never forget that once the Polish Jews were disarmed, they were sent to a “safe place”. This became known as the Warsaw Ghetto and thousands died there.

Anonymous ID: bebcc5 Feb. 7, 2021, 10:52 p.m. No.12857708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7711 >>7718 >>7792


Never Forget


Isolation and “ProtectionsNever Forget


Once the enemies of the “New Progressive Order” are identified, and they are sufficiently isolated into small groups or easily identified, the next step is to have the government come in and offer “protections” for them.


Of course, these protections are anything but protections. They are just a means of rounding up and collecting dissenters.


“Protections” will be necessary, you see to keep people safe from the roving bands of ideological youth. Of whom, I must remind the reader, has that exact purpose. They are the terror sheep dogs that help corral the sheep to be fleeces.


Remember when the socialists say “to protect” they mean “to control”.


We cannot forget how all the Jews in Germany were rounded up. They were told that they were going to protective enclaves so that no one would harm them. So people packed their luggage and boarded the trains. Let’s not forget the idea of wearing a bright yellow star on the clothing.


That was for identification so that the individual could be “protected“.


Or what happened in ISIS occupied Syria…


The government will step in to “protect you”.


Oh yes they will. The media will all discuss how it is so very important to put you and your family into “protected” farms and camps. They will televise smiling and happy people boarding buses and trains. If you don’t go willingly, they will force you. You know, “for your protection”.


Just in case you might think that it would never happen here, you are wrong. It is already happening here. On certain university campuses, white students are being told that they must wear a “White Privilege” badge on the outside of their clothing.


The College Fix is reporting that the Elizabethtown College Democrats want white students to wear White Privilege Pins wherever they go. Covered here at Patriotretort.


So much for “it will never happen here.


A North Carolina “English” “teacher” issued “her” students a work sheet titled “Diversity Inventory”. And then began an in-class exercise requiring high school students to categorize their family, friends, and themselves into several different groups.


Ai! It’s a scene right out of George Orwell’s novel 1984.

It will never happen here.

Anonymous ID: bebcc5 Feb. 7, 2021, 10:53 p.m. No.12857711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7799


There was a reason that the 2nd Amendment was placed in the Constitution. The mere attempt to regulate it, minimize it, restrict it or impede in the free exercise of it, is a FULL-ON screeching alert that tyranny is present.


And no. I am not talking about the latest encroachments. I am talking about the first encroachments back in the early 1900’s. I am also talking about the FAILURE of our elected officials in allowing all this encroachment.


Keep in mind this SHTF advice…


Never travel alone or in groups that were too big — always two to three men. All armed, travel swift, in the shadows, cross streets through ruins, not along open streets.


There were many gangs 10 to 15 men strong, some as large as 50 men. But there were also many normal men, like you and me, fathers and grandfathers, who killed and robbed. There were no “good” and “bad” men. Most were in the middle and ready for the worst…


-Commonsense Show


Oh, and “they” WILL take your guns away. Just a quick reminder…


I just read a “story”, actually twitter posts, from a “liberal” who has decided not to wait for the red flag laws.


He simply called Child Protective Services and reported he suspected his neighbor of abusing his own pre-teen daughter. Within hours the was a raid, an arrest, a child taken into custody, a life destroyed, and a gleeful follow-up post.


What did the “neighbor” do you ask? His heinous crime? He had a “Trump 2020” sticker on his vehicle. The words “child abuse” get more action than “a man with a gun”. It is harder to defend against. And very seldom verified before the raid.


I really don’t know how to defend against this kind of misuse of the legal system. It’s too late for this “neighbor” but always remember “opsec”. Any ideas?