I dont think it will be total destruction. in my dreams i saw a limited engagement. I think red october could refer to a nuke bearing sub, indicated in dreams and a vision or two. What will keep it limited is pre-knowing on a global scale and I think thats solid at this point. Obviously we would like to see no nukes but the cabal was off the leash too long. The likelihood is high on a detonation in several countries unless a rogue sub is found and the hidden networks are found.
there were mass trafficking busts
>Normies are asleep and will stay asleep.
>Face the truth
Not only is our republic NOT DEAD but everything you stand on will crumble in an instant. Refusing to see the cracks in the foundation due to orders/ self ordering etc makes a precariously place pedestal dangerous
me? the military is currently representing the republic, that is everyone not just one person. youre an agent provoc' whos lost hope or youre a pro communist journalist, shill rep the msm or a foreign agent. We expect CCP morons to come in here and attempt tpo demoralize, however if youre not , be warned this great crumbling is more than you think and will happen world wide, on many levels. Come to God and Jesus fren
>Where is your defence of liberty?
our defense of liberty took form as a mass awakening that gave Trump an unprecedented landslide in 2020. Defending liberty comes in many forms
well it isnt biden. through the hundreds of drops around the patriot web it is clear that Trump and the Military are still in play over the sick bastards resisting.
>UK Anon support shitpost.
>Longtime lurker, first time poster.
>We have and are continuing to have one wild ride. Just remember that only the anons here who know the truth feel the frustration right now. Stay strong the normie narrative is being dismantled its a slow process I agree but after 3 years we can almost guarantee that crayons are going to be needed to wake most normies up.
>Keep the faith and remember we were never given the plan to start with, focus on the markers that's how we'll know if things are on track.
>On a personal note I wasn't a spiritual man before all this but I can honestly say I was woken upto this by some power I couldn't explain at the time. The more I dug and lurked the more I understood not just the breads but the last 10 years of my life. I even took myself out into nature and asked I suppose God I'if I was right with my thoughts and on the right track. I belive I got an answer that day.
>Stay strong.
>UK Anon shutting TFU
can never read to many of these, fills me with joy.
suffering is a point of view sometimes. If your point of view is suffering, it is because you arent looking at the right things