LastKaon: A cup is never empty, in any state, it is filled with something, or nothing depending upon it's immediate state.
"Empty Your Cup When Overflowing…
You Know It Is Impossible Too Once Awakened."
Poor souls must have never learned to accept their childhood invisible friends, or had any… sad really.
Couldn't imagine not pre-rehearsing conversations that may never happen in my head on topics… or is it that they are afraid of actually talking to themselves? Totally embracing an NPC reality…
How the Fuck do they think, why cannot they, or will not they? Think or prevent any internal dialog…
How is that possible, it is impossible for this anon?
D&D is a strategic percentile based simulation form of gaming.. it was demonized in the 70' & 80's. Why? What was it teaching us as kids to really do? Why did they hate it so badly before WoTC bought it out? (fucking has SJW'ed it to meaningless)