Anonymous ID: 6b523b Feb. 8, 2021, 2:23 a.m. No.12858565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8571


What a surreal world. Being drunk and maskless now high crimes in the 'Free' world.

But drinking child blood and having your political opponents killed by hired assassins is just proof that you have the right credentials to lead that 'Free' world.

Anonymous ID: 6b523b Feb. 8, 2021, 2:46 a.m. No.12858672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8690


That's why Joe's speech was full of "Give me a chance. See what I do first……"

He was bluntly admitting the truth…."Look folks, I know you didn't vote for me but we had to do the coup to save our nec……., to save America. Hear me out. Give me a shot. Then, if you're good and wear your masks and the thing, then we might be able to let your votes count again. We might even legitimise the Dead Vote. But first, I gotta Dictate for a while"

Anonymous ID: 6b523b Feb. 8, 2021, 3:06 a.m. No.12858742   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The new health tzar? I think I may have to change my mind about Biden's administration after all. I'm outta here folks. I'm embracing the new normal. Down with cars. Let's all get biking.

Anonymous ID: 6b523b Feb. 8, 2021, 3:30 a.m. No.12858804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8815


In Europe we had the beginning of our yearly International Rugby competition 'Six Nations'

I've been a keen watcher for decades.

Didn't watch it. Didn't need to watch it. Didn't want to know the score. Didn't need the score. Finished. All bullshit. All of it.

"As we destroy your lives, sanity and freedom, here's a little sporting entertainment to relieve the pressure a little"

Same people that introduced the pandemic with its lockdowns and censorship and new rules upon rules are the ones that also own and run sport.

Sport is the opiate. The Great distrator to keep people from knowing or wanting to know the Great Political deceptions..

Fuck all Professional Sport. Knowing Collaborators in the dumbing down of populations.

Anonymous ID: 6b523b Feb. 8, 2021, 3:41 a.m. No.12858843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8861


You engaged in political discourse. Perhaps used sarcasm and satire more than once, as SNL 'comedians' do. Maybe used profane language now and again.

Stop doing an Autocrat's work for them. Stop preparing their shoddy groundwork. You did nothing that millions of Facebookers (unbanned) and Twitterites (unbanned) etc etc did a million times during the four years of Trump's presidency.

Anonymous ID: 6b523b Feb. 8, 2021, 4 a.m. No.12858900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9037


It's irrelevant now because right now all it is doing is Not putting real criminals (political, corporate, medical) behind bars. So we see it starkly. No law, no justice even more so.

But Democrat fans/Joe supporters have families. And some of those family members are you, or another anon, and another anon. Diametrically opposed to each other on politics but still Family. Still Family. That is still an instinctive connection that no other partnership/union can compete with. In short, the old saying of Blood being thicker than water is true.

So thousands of innocent anons are arrested on trumped up 'terrorism' charges for simply expressing their political philosophies and opinions in a place like this? Their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles etc etc, who know them intimately, are just going to sit back and watch as their relative's warnings about 1984-style autocracy and censorship actually play out before their eyes? Their brother or sister, arrested for Terrorism because they said Biden was a bollix on 8kun? The families will just take that? "Fuck him, he deserved it. Let him rot in jail."