Love how they just call us names.
We're not the Devil Worshipers
And if we're not… then that would only mean…
Love how they just call us names.
We're not the Devil Worshipers
And if we're not… then that would only mean…
Don't Datefag News week. It bad for people health
Your Late, We are docking your pay.
Positive Energy is Flaring.
Enjoy the Ride.
Yes. It is Painful to Wake up.
But If you Don't, There will be More Pain than you can Imagine.
Fearmongering Continues.
They are attempting to Inflame a Segment of the Population into Saying/Doing things.
Open Insubordination… it's how to win.
ELF Resonating
Curtain Will Rise soon
Fear is not a Virtue, It does not give you Power over the Fearless.
Oop, Don't Look Here.