Mick Jagger made a fortune worshiping Satan.So did Joe Biden.
Thats my brother.
Q has no idea how evil they are.
Q is retarded.
Suppers ready.
Q who is no longer employed is a Muslim.
The Muslim thing didn't work. It never does.
Trump believes in positive thinking. It failed him. Jesus is waiting.
There are just trying to be nice.
Everyone knows Trump is a Moron.
But he's better than Biden.
I am a trust fund baby that rejected my inheritance.
So did my wife. We are free.
Dear ANONS I don't care if you live or die thats on you.
Q failed you think about it.
Q was in it for the money. The money ran out.
America chose an Alzheimer's patient over Trump.
Thats how sick America was off Trumps complaining. .
Q voted for Biden,.
No one likes a whiney baby.
Q working for Pence. Pence screwed Trump.
Everyone who screwed
>Everyone who screwed Trump is scared to death.
Most states don't wear masks.
The Super Bowl is super gay.
Ass slapping homos.