Anonymous ID: 1aa0e8 May 4, 2018, 1:52 a.m. No.1294254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6719

Let me ask you a question: about how long might one expect the key to be? Also, is it possible that the file might be found on one of Wikileak's servers?


I have a suspicion that what you may be looking for is the "stone," or the actual data. Early on, there was a rumor that the "key" was the password that would give access to one of Julian Assange's "insurance" drops. He's made at least nine so far–the latest I know of was a 64.31 GB drop on Christmas of last year:


There were many rumors that Julian Assange was passing data to visitors via thumb drive (64 GB obviously seems a coincidental fit). There were a couple of suspects which are relatively easy to find with a search; for instance, Nigel Farage visited Assange on March 9th, 2017; on January 19, he was accused of helping:


Trump has met with Nigel Farage several times since and before Farage's visit with Assange. This is all tied to research I did quite awhile ago–which was ignored; I'm sure you understand the frustration. Anyway, some anon found a book called "Expand Your Thinking," which listed a series of mind-mapping techniques. I started to focus on the bracketed text, going on the assumption that the last relevant date was December 15. The reasoning was because of this unique post on that day:


>Follow the crumbs.

>You have it all.

>SEC Conf will be analyzed.

>Dark [10].

>Enjoy the show!



I'd set about trying to figure out what the key was using the methods in that book and the cryptography methods listed on Q's link to the C_A's website for kids. On March 6th, I posted pic related:

(You can find a link to some of the "Expand Your Thinking" texts by following one of the responses to my post).


The next day, Q posted other pic related. Most anons figured he was speaking to JA, but I saw something different–if you're thinking in terms of shifting letters, "L-6" becomes "F"…because L is the 12th letter of the alphabet, and F is the 6th. The significance of that is that the very first content in braces is "[F]" (post #14, see last pic related).


I spent some time working on it, and could probably put together a program to spit out all possible combinations of braced content fairly quickly…but there is still too much uncertainty. How do we know what is a subpart of what? What is the length of the key? Would our part be in used in combination with another part?


There have been several "pre-commitments" already (see link at end, plus search "NSA pizzagate tweet", plus look up Assange's mysterious New Year's tweet). Even if you stop at Dec. 15th, there are already 54 separate instances of content in braces. Without knowing the length you need, whether clues should be interpreted as letters (such as …+1), knowing how to automate a program to make attempts, and being fairly busy irl, it just seemed out of reach. Maybe with your knowledge and that of others, we can winnow down the possibilities.


I'll keep checking back; hopefully we can get this figured out. I think that, with the clues Q has given, we're a lot closer than we've ever been.


If you'd like more background on Wikileak's files, you can read up here (it's two years old, but covers things that aren't well-known):

Anonymous ID: 1aa0e8 May 5, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.1309367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7013 >>6719




Anons should recognize the difference between things like cryptography, steganography, and what computer science people refer to as "encryption." Encryption is usually something done at a level of complexity that would make it very, very difficult for a computer to decipher unless it knows the key (often also known as a password), whereas cryptography and steganography are designed for people, given the right method, to decrypt. This is the best site I've found on the subject, with tools for almost everything related:


Earlier on Q intimated that the C_A (and I believe Obama, via the RED_RED stringer) were communicating with Snowden using regular, main-stream channels like Twitter and youtube. This makes sense to me–Snowden has some idea what the NSA can do, so he would likely never let his guard down for private communication on a personal device. But if you had certain code words, or perhaps an agreed-upon method of extracting code words from regular speech, then you could communicate in public without realizing it. Here's a simple example: Let's say we make an agreement before your mission starts:

R = K, E = I, D = L, F = A, O = L, X = L,

Then somewhere down the line I tweet

>my favorite comedian was REDD FOXX!


I believe some of Q's biggests hints were post #231 and #709 (pics related). The C_A link leads you to kid's puzzles using letter substitution, letter skipping, letter rotation, and symbol substitution. If you look at post #231, you see the first line:

>T: B, F, J, 1, 5, 11-20, ^

to me, that meant: "Table: B = 1, F = 5, J = (maybe -9)?"

A table is a lookup where you would exchange numbers for letters:

A = 0, B = 1, C = 2, D = 3, E = 4, F = 5, G = 6, H = 7, I = 8, J = 9…


There are other hints mixed throughout the earlier posts. I think it's pretty obvious that Q was frustrated at our inability to solve some of his stringers–not surprising, given that they're probably relatively simple and his team does this as a matter of routine.


I made a thread on the subject before, but it was (rightfully) archived. I'll try to see if I can locate it.

Anonymous ID: 1aa0e8 May 9, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.1355238   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is also this to consider–check out post #566:

>Need a few red pills for family, friends, and others?

>Read the #Memo.

>Release coming.

>Final clearance underway.

>Make sure to learn Russian.



A little research shows that Rostelecom handles most of Russia's IT needs (see pics related). Again, I'm not an IT guy, but searching for "Rostelecom Cisco" brings up some hits–notably some SEC dustup from '14.


Not sure how one would go about finding exposed data from there, but I thought I would throw it out there. I wouldn't be surprised if they had some major dirt on HRC–there is a project they have called SORM:

>SORM was first implemented in 1995, requiring telecommunications operators to install FSB-provided hardware allowing the agency to monitor users’ communications metadata and content. This included phone calls, email traffic and web browsing activity, despite the low internet penetration rate at the time.[1]


If there is one thing that I have noticed–an overarching pattern through all of Mueller's investigation and the cabal's accusations toward POTUS, is that it's all a great big mirror. Everyone implicated by Mueller so far had ties to crimes likely committed by members of the Cabal. Papadopoulos: Russia, Greece, Turkey, Israel (Soros, HRC, maybe more); Rick Gates: Russia, Ukraine (HRC, Adam Schiff, Soros); Michael Flynn: Russia; Paul Manafort: Russia, Phillippines (Obama?); Carter Page: Council on Foreign Relations, UK, Russia (Rothschilds, the MSM, etc.). So when I think back to HRC, the media and the DNC howling about how Russia likely has kompromat on Trump…it makes me think they probably have it on HRC.


Seriously, these people have never had an original idea in their lives–they just all agree on something dumb then shout it out in unison. Maybe Epstein was using Kaspersky for his surveillance system on Lolita Island. Who knows?