Unconstitutional laws are not valid.
Smells like infringement.
Sauce it or fuck off to Gaytown.
What is a cop going to do to these maskless scalawags? Scold them sternly?
> 12:43 - doctor has the fiber tested
There is no confirmatory test for a “Morgellons fiber”.
>What happened just a week after Booker and Harris' "anti-lynching" bill proposal?
I can’t remember what though.
Kindly remind me ya fookin tool.
I think that came before the anti-lynching law was proposed. Get your timeline squared up tight ya twinklenoob.
Supratentorial diagnoses are generally made when other causes are excluded through available testing. Since “medical science” doesn’t want to accept Morgellons as a disease, there is no testing available for either inclusion or exclusion of the diagnosis.