76% of American support Gay rights…..all ya need to know
Prescott Bush tried to buy my great grandma’s farm…she said he was such a smacked ass nobody in OK would deal with him…..so he packed his faggot ass up and went to Saudi Arabia with Queens permission and started Aramco….Arab American Oil Company……it’s been a Bush fam slush fund ever since.
Commies……commies everywhere
Nerds are shitting their size 50 pants……you can’t hide digitally stolen election….for long…..kek
Former “Qanon” followers should have to show what digs they participated in….any “yous”
You know some proof they were here…..not just BS cult talk….government is the cult of stupidity…..nobody crying about dat
Not one person told her to shut up…..pussies
No…..not really…..I had the opportunity to pick my retirement spot, took two years and toured whole US. I always checked the streets out…..what goes on in the streets, is a reflection of the people in charge….like San Francisco ghetto….very few places to go.
See all these little towns, even moar not showing
Every single city has its own government, they are like tiny kingdoms, run by pedos……biggest reason taxes are ridiculous, paying for perverts parties…..squash your local government first, they have zero right to stop ya
Dems will cause MDC
What’s really funny….only Muzzies have guns in most Dem areas, fast and furious armed Muzzies with lots of hardware…like the Louisville BLM marching armed through the streets
All niggers trying to do is keep whites from protecting themselves like they did in South Africa
Kek….there will never be another election
Founding fathers never wanted us voting anyway…..only ones whom were allowed to vote in colonials were land owners
The Commie Aristocracy has risen…..nothing can stop it….glad Q warned us
Wanna bet your soul?
Might wanna read state constitution…..you were “granted” voting rights
Kek…..inflated dollars will fuck whole world up….oil trade will stop
One world cure will be their great fix it
They ain’t bright….Satan never picks smart people