When Trump is impeached and convicted, that is the signal for all-out retribution and our constitutional right to abolish the government; no expense or life should spared until the goal is reached.
When Trump is impeached and convicted, that is the signal for all-out retribution and our constitutional right to abolish the government; no expense or life should spared until the goal is reached.
This date was set for a reason…but not sure what it is:
Experts say that insurrectionists' ambitions will fade by then.
The coup of the Biden administration will be complete by then.
The DoD plans on a campaign before this date that will thwart any plans of any "insurrectionist" in the future.
That's the date the world will end.
are you sick of it yet?
"the more we do to them, the less they believe we're doing it" fuckin' Josef Mengele
How's that? Because I pointed out that the military has been crippled by faggots? Is my consumption of this factual media contributing to the failure of the United States or am I simply pointing it out clearly?
They're preparing for the mother of all false flags. It will make Christchurch look like a cap gun fight
Retard…even Ray Charles can see what's coming - it doesn't take a genius to extrapolate on this.
What happened just a week after Booker and Harris' "anti-lynching" bill proposal?
>I can’t remember what though.
For posterity and to exhaust your shillyballs
One thing about the left - they have the most incredible hive collab on the planet. Attacks are instant and global; conservatives do not have this level of organization
I didn't know born in the USA was an anti-american anthem until well in my adult life ; I never listen to lyrics.