You want to stop being treated like a slave, property of the government corporation??
You want your fucking country back??
STOP being a United States Citizen, registered as government property/franchise.
Correct your political status to American State National.
One of We the People.
United States Citizens are NOT considered We the People.
United States Citizens only have civil rights (privileges) granted to them by the government.
Americans [State Nationals] have certain unalienable Rights endowed by our Creator that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
United States Citizens, by definition (legal) do NOT have unalienable rights.
Only Americans can restore the Federal Republic.
Our Rightful American government.
Can't be done by United States Citizens.
Absolutely cannot be done by anyone elected to an office in a for-profit government services corporation.
This can be done, is being done, lawfully and peacefully.
State Assemblies of only Americans are in session right now in all 50 states.
We need your help.
America needs your help.
Welcome to reality.