>But you would have to learn how to be souvereign.
That's about one of the only ways to get on the domestic terror list faster than being a Trump supporter
>But you would have to learn how to be souvereign.
That's about one of the only ways to get on the domestic terror list faster than being a Trump supporter
>If they never served a day where did the PTSD come from?
Personally, mine came from the abuse inflicted by law enforcement officials, whom were supposed to be the ones protecting and serving, but instead chose to take the opportunity to get WAY to involved in people's personal affairs and such. Also, the manner in which I was treated while being held in custody, along with the actions of court officials, whom severely turned a blind eye to the abuse, along with many direct conflicts with the wording in the Constitution, but chose to take the opportunity to inflict more abuse, further extortions, and cruel and unusual punishments.
But, ya know, who's counting? And what is a "Life", anyway?
It's debatable.
If Sun was one,
and Moon is two,
then Mars would logically work as three.
Followed by Mercury as the four.
โฆand so on, until returning back to one, as the Sunโฆ
>Sounds like you need a better lawyer
Lawyers cost money, do they not?
Precisely why the courts chose to restrict Rights and privileges that would allow a person like myself to seek or maintain gainful employment.
Also, lawyers cannot do much against the corrupt lawmakers who write corrupt laws which the lawyers must then abide by.
Then there is the whole conflict of interest between how the lawyers themselves are only allowed to practice with the approval of the corrupt state or institution, onw would need to go up against to seek normal resolution.
In case you have not been paying attention, the corrupt court system continues to show just how corrupt it has become, day in and day out. The entire Country was defrauded on the biggest election ever. Yet, there was little that even the best lawyers could do, no matter how much money anyone can try to throw at them
>One thing about the left - they have the most incredible hive collab on the planet. Attacks are instant and global; conservatives do not have this level of ~~organization~~