Thank you baker for all that you do. You rock!!!
CAn't wait to all have a beer together
Rouge is black
but I'm no nigger
But I have nothing to hide… I am too busy on faceberg to care
I'm a fucking admin of the local dogshit patrol mask consortium
if you are on or near copper pipes or wires your attempts are futile
so much info to upload…so little time
cuz redhead bewbs
How do you blindfold a chink????
Fuck Trump
We're SOL now
That's what he wanted…you're fucking negroid retarddit if you are still following that stream
take your number counting "C0Ncern" and shove it up your faggy pink dog's assh0le
p00dle??? really?
Absolute KeK
7 - Heaven Godly people
into Sports Alpha types -
I don't hate Trump…I was a st0-ng follower t00 but at some point you need to ask yourself a question…are you now going to follow him into the bathroom? maybe hold his dick???
Get a fucking grip…be a leader or get the fuck outta the way.
For those waiting for something to change…g00d fucking luck.
We are. S.O.L.
#1765 to #1776
Bee ready.
Or die in your own pity
You're all fucking Pagans!!!
The bible is great to get you killed but
just be comfy and realize the number of the human beast is you!
fucking A