White House construction update from next door in Lafayette Park and Marine One helicopter returns
White House Construction Update and Marine 1 returns
Many of you have asked about the construction across from the White House, some even speculating that “gallows” were being built by a military tribunal to deal with “traitors”. As I showed in my previous video, this construction is actually the press viewing stand for the Inaugural Parade that didn’t take place, and as we can see now a week later, the construction is actually be de-constructed. There is very little left of the viewing platform and it will soon be back in a warehouse.
On the way to the White House we also saw Marine 1, with two decoys, come in for a landing. Following a weekend at home in Delaware, the President flew back this morning after watching the Super Bowl with his family. We also saw the Octagon House, which was once the ‘White House’ (well, more exactly, the President’s house) and a random riot control squad walking down the street, because that sort of thing is now considered normal in Washington D.C., so it seems…
00:00 Intro
00:01 National Mall
01:34 Marine One
05:17 DCFD Foam / Crash Rescue Fire Engines
07:20 The old "White House"
10:18 Construction in Lafayette Park / Update
12:40 Random Riot Squad on the Street