Psst. Trust Sessions.
Pumps are run via variable frequency drives. Those drives are programable and controlled via nets. Ex. how Israel over-revved centrifuges and blew them the fuck up.
There are also cameras connected to check on shit remotely and all the rest of the control systems that can be checked remotely.
Fucking EVERYTHING municipal is done remotely nowadays.
>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^one of you anons did a number on this girl…she can't get over you! and I am laughing my head off
Girls want to meet us. Shills want to be us.
Guy Fawkes was sent by the Jesuit, John Gerard to blow up Parliament. Hrm… where have I heard a story like that before…
Silly question, but maybe they want to capture Trump? I see a big fucking firefight about to happen.
It literally was. I posted it once and changed the title to
"We literally started all the fucking fires."
Said Jesuit escaped back to Rome before he could be put on trial. This was after he was imprisoned in the tower of London and managed to escape. His story writes about how he had nothing to do with it…
I'm sure.