my constant prayer
Holy Spirit, Lord, the giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son You are worshipped and glorified. You have spoken through the Prophets.
Hear our prayers on behalf of the poor, deluded subscribers to democrat, progressive parties in America. Hear our prayers for the destruction of the Stewardship, Enablers, Organs, and Ideas of the democrat, progressive parties,
Especially the Ideas of
. Abortion on demand and fetal tissue sales
. gays in the military and gay marriage
. God out of our lives, and reverence for the Climate
. Wealth distribution, and sympathy for Socialism
. Victimhood and entitlement,
. Feminism and Political Correctness
Open the eyes and ears and hearts and minds of the Subscribers to the lies and contradictions on which their ideas depend, and their perversions of the true ideas of social justice for which Your saints stood on earth. Imbue them with a sense of shame for their ideas, and for their failures as stewards of the offices they hold, And bring them to Jesus through the Gospel.