So, does this movie ever get better…? So far, it's a dumpster fire.
And like all other delta, they'll come and go with a whimper. Just a bunch of windtalking that will never result in anything.
I bet the Q team is sitting back right now… finger fuckin' each others' shit pipes, laughing their asses off at the people still believing in their bullshit.
Muh Delta. Muh Justice. Muh Storm. Muh Plan.
Make sure to Watch the Water, and Think Mirror. Use discernment, and don't believe everything that you read. Soon™
Awful retort.
There was only supposed to be 2? Fuck, I took 3 of 'em.
Yes, because "faggot" is top notch wit, you simple bitch. Go fist your own asshole, shitlips.
The 3rd one was neon green. All I know, is when people speak… word balloons pop up like in the 60s Batman series, I can see sounds, and I can taste colors.
Top notch detective work like that is what keeps this place overflowing with solid information.
PS: Your detective work is shit.