>You just know Hogg stole or was given Mike Lindell's patent for MyPillow.
If there's a patent, it's already public, and anybody can access it. You're an idiot, at best.
>You just know Hogg stole or was given Mike Lindell's patent for MyPillow.
If there's a patent, it's already public, and anybody can access it. You're an idiot, at best.
Oh, and using someone else's patent in any of the nations that subscribe to the Patent Cooperation
Treaty is a guarantee you'll be bankrupted if the assignee can afford to pursue litigation. Lindell can
afford to pursue litigation.
Then he's lying. The only patents that aren't public are those concerning national security.
Publications get a free grace period, but they aren't patented yet.
Then he's lying. And you're a fucking idiot.
ALL PATENTS ARE PUBLIC (except those that concern national security).
For fuck's sake. Read the fucking law.
No, you prove it moron. If there's a patent, it's public. Read the fucking law.
How does that prove anything you fucking retard?
Read the law you fucking inbred retards.
So you admit there's no patent?
Smart businessmen don't patent their ideas precisely because they have to publish the patent.
Then, if someone violates the patent, they have to sue for remuneration. The onus is on the patent
holder to defend the patent.
Why the fuck haven't you retards investigated how patents work if you're going to sit in here
arguing about patents? Fucking morans.
>but patent doesn't have to have the secret comfy pillow sauce.
If you want legal protection, yes, it does. This isn't rocket science moran.
I'm aware. But disinformation needs to be stamped out some times.
Aaaaand the truth comes out. Now we all know for sure what you are.
That's why they won't release it.
Proof you're an idiot that doesn't understand what a patent is. See this –→ >>12866281
Sorry anon, I swapped the tags.
Keep in mind that there's no way Biden didn't know she had just had a procedure done when
he announced her. In fact, it's likely his team had given her a heads up that she was to be chosen,
giving her time to get the work done, then they went ahead and announced it anyway.
Either he set her up, or they did it together to make their candidacy as cartoonish as possible.
That's why the shills are here. Be comfy, anon.
>I am admitting what I heard him say on the show.
And he's lying. Any understanding of patent law proves that.
>He said Hogg better not be using his patented fill.
If the fill is patented, it is public, and nobody "gave Hogg the patent." That's been my point. Anybody
can get the patent at uspto.gov. If it's not there, it's not patented. Period.
If letting an obviously false rumor run rampant is advertising, then yes, that's what it is.
How the hell is the moran density so high on one board? The point of a patent is legal defense. If
the patent is not public, it is not defensible. It's got nothing to do with my feels. That's how patents
That's why Coke never published their formula, because they didn't want their competition to know
what's in it, and how they make it. Fuck. Stupid is thick tonight.
Aaaand that proves what?
Tonight is inorganic. That's for sure.
If there's no patent, it does not matter. It's really that simple. Patents are open, not hidden. By definition.
And if this is the argument you two retards really have, well then, you've proven my point for me.
Generally speaking, the shill count goes down post midnight EST. As a result, intelligent banter
is easier to find, as opposed to 2000 hours EST when it's like a zoo.
No. Not true at all. Coke never patented their formula. Coke never sued because Pepsi isn't using
Coke's formula. And it tastes different, too. How fucking retarded are you?
By definition, if it's "proprietary," it's not patentable. Take your pick, you either hide it from prying eyes,
or you publish it in a patent. Them's the 2 choices. Binary.
>Meaning, the receipt wasn't fully divulged.
Then the part that wasn't divulged wasn't covered by the patent.
If you really had semiconductor patents, and you don't know this, then you aren't smart enough
to have semiconductor patents. It's that simple. Your follow-up blather is meaningless, too, nothing
but an attempt to appear intelligent about the law when in fact you are not.
Conclusion: you're a retard.
>The U.S. Supreme Court in a recent ruling has opined on the rights of a purchaser to use and resell patented products. The patent system give the patent owner the right to exclude others from making, using, and selling the patented invention, for the life of the patent. -wiki
The irony of this claim is that it doesn't actually support your notion that you can hide part of a
patent and consider it covered to. This statement literally says "if you have something patented, you have the right to use it and defend it."
Nothing more.
>anything e was saying
E? That dude was a pied piper retard that a bunch of fucking retards repeatedly fell for because
"he" was selling unlimited, and ridiculous hopium. By the 20th version of his persona it should
have been obvious what that fucking shill was up to. But nooooo, retards in here just couldn't figure
it out. Fuck it was awful. THEN the fucker was shilling from some anon's couch.
He stole his friend. Found some retard in the gutter that was actually better off than he was.
Oh, and KEK!
It's funny how they're hating on 7-time SB winner. They can't win on this one. Trapped.
No, they weren't. If it's not public, it's not patentable. That's literally the definition of a patent.
You're a liar.
And a retard.
Trying to make Lindell's claims easy to defeat, possibly. Discredit his claims about patents, the
rest is easy.
But he's not what he appears to be, so it may be some other angle.
You didn't read that, did you? Hint: it doesn't support your claim. It simply states that MPS violated
patents 6,362,986, 7,525,408 and 7,772,955.
You're even more retarded than I thought.
Maybe. Lindell is certainly part of the distraction along with Linwood, Powell, and Giuliani (hell, Bannon,
too). They're keeping the media occupied while Trump maneuvers his chess pieces.
>Did you read the patents?
Yes, and guess what? I understand them, too. The claims are all spelled out. 40 in the first, 20
in the second, and 29 in the third.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Give it up, moran.
Funniest fucking post all night. I was in literal tears.
If they were a stock, I'd short them.
Know the law, otherwise it can be used to fuck you.
For the record, my expertise is not switching power supplies. It is receivers that use whatever power
supply is appropriate, sometimes a switching power supply, though preferably a linear power
supply (ADCs don't like switching spikes).
Even the journalismists are hinting that this is what happened, btw. It should be obvious by now
that Biden is just convincing everyone that voting for him was a mistake, even if you can't accept that
he may have been working with Trump the whole time. Which he was.
>Redpilling, while decent, is not nearly complete enough to follow desired timelines.
Pretending to be a Trump hater.
When you're 85+ EVERYTHING IS A THREAT TO YOUR LIFE. This isn't something that is arguable.
The flu is deadly to someone over 85. A fucking cold is deadly to someone over 85. It's part of the
facts of life. When you get old, many things that you ignored at 20 are now life threatening.
People die. People that knew those people grieve. It is how life works.
We aren't there, yet. Maybe some day, but we have a long way to go.