Family lost another relative while this shit show goes on, couldn't send help, medicine, visit, nor pay for a proper funeral. Remember this Q, people are dying out there while these tyrants shut us out of the economy.
Of course people made phone calls and video conference, not the same thing as send things that cure people, paying respects, and giving a proper burial. You can't even show respect, your the poorest of them all.
Sorry for your loss anon, this wasn't covid but nonetheless many things can be cured quickly including covid. I can almost bet you they are just killing people when no one is watching, I told Trump on twitter many times this shit was going on at the VA, nurses would actually brag; unbelievable. I do give him credit for firing 9.9k of them, but they have infiltrated medicine just like law. Look no further than the only expert on covid and his financial ties.
All this is true but the real problem is that we are unorganized, period. Even Flynn said it, although I warned them for years and asked for some support, if fell on def ears.
We need to create databases on the fly so we can quickly query the info we need and make sure things are taken care of. No matter how good a site like this is, gab, or any other, they are not meant as systems of records.
That's the problem with people like you, you speak with the tongue, how do you know?
I have neighbors in the 80's that still shovel themselves out and cut their own lawn. I also have some that can't, so I help where I can. Grow up and learn some respect.
Thanks for that, anon. All we need is to vote by cell or desktop, it can be done to the degree that only a single device could ever be compromised instead of entire servers.
It just amazes me how stupid these JIDF shills here are. Instead of distancing themselves from some evil people in their community they defend them, come here and mock us. The net result is that people here will then stereotype their whole race. Regardless of them, I will not condemn an entire race but just be reminded there are more subscribers than just the culprits. They don't realize that most will condemn their entire race until it is too late. If your a Jew you should go read about Messiah Ben Josef and Messiah Ben David. Also learn that rabbi Kidduri was the last Ben Josef and he stated on his death bed that Yeheshua was Lord; although your community has hidden that fact. Just like they hide Isaiah 7:14 is equal to Matthew 1:23. There is always a Ben Josef living.
Hope when you get to that age you realize one thing, people in the bible lived hundreds of years and it's your right to live. You will reap what you practice.
Sorry for your loss friend, it's hard for some to imagine that age is number not a death sentence. Trust me at this, God find's his own and leaves others to their training. You will see her again, that I promise, in a body glorified that only the Lord of Host can give. As for the mockers, they never believed in the Light nor others right to life; on their day of visitation they will be met by mockery.
What does it actually cost you?
God is like a bank, one day at any age you'll need a miracle too, and have something to withdraw upon should you put something in worthy of interest.
It's not to shame you, that is what you do, it is to give you hope and a new way of thinking; that you might do well.
Years in the bible do not translate to earth years. If that was the case how could Moses live to 800 years? There is a secret in this phrase that only those that apply themselves will know what it means. Because understanding comes from Wisdom, and Wisdom belongs to the Lord, and he shares Wisdom with those that have been found worthy. An inheritance is earned not given.
>James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Correct, that is how I know these things.
Understanding the value of Numbers is why there is a book of Numbers.
If I tell you 120 years is equal to 800 years because I talk about the value of these numbers and am not talking in terms of earth years as stated previously.
When I say "Face shines like the sun" I am talking about value.
>Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithโand this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God
This is referring to the resurrection in Christ. Only he was found worthy, and by God giving us the grace of His Name, we arise through his strength, power, and glory.
If this was not the case, a man can do evil his whole life and it wouldn't matter because he would be forgiven.