Anonymous ID: c30125 May 3, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.1287124   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7281



Camera photos are saved as a .jpg with Apple Iphone, I believe filenames are labelled IMG_####.jpg


Iphone Screenshots are saved in .png format - however I think they are not by default named only a UUID.


Need confirmation, I don't have iphone anymore.

Anonymous ID: c30125 May 3, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.1287184   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7192 >>7197 >>7253



A laser pointer or laser pen is a small handheld device with a power source and a laser diode emitting a very narrow coherent low-powered laser beam of visible light, intended to be used to highlight something of interest by illuminating it with a small bright spot of colored light. Power is restricted in most jurisdictions not to exceed 5 mW.

Anonymous ID: c30125 May 3, 2018, 11 a.m. No.1287246   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



product designer for Apple when Steve was still alive, someone posted a video of a commercial yesterday on reddit with 4 frames 'subliminal' message, with Obama, and a 'man with a laptop' looks like old JI 'interview' about apple product design

Anonymous ID: c30125 May 3, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.1287392   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7413



Can confirm a lack of chemtrails in WA the last couple weeks. same timeline, about 4 days of clear sky before more show up.


a theory i'm working on is the chemtrails 'trigger' some mania or psychotic episodes in some people - because thats what i've been seeing around me. No proof just postulating theory

Anonymous ID: c30125 May 3, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.1287508   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




In our knowledge, Keystone has been used by 66 following products (listed in no particular order).


Keypatch: IDA Pro plugin for code assembling & binary patching.


Radare2: Unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools.


GEF: GDB Enhanced Features.


Ropper: Rop gadget and binary information tool.


Cemu: Cheap EMUlator based on Keystone and Unicorn engines.


Pwnypack: Certified Edible Dinosaurs official CTF toolkit.


Keystone.JS: Emscripten-port of Keystone for JavaScript.


Usercorn: Versatile kernel+system+userspace emulator.


x64dbg: An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.


Liberation: a next generation code injection library for iOS cheaters everywhere.


Strongdb: GDB plugin for Android debugging.


AssemblyBot: Telegram bot for assembling and disassembling on-the-go.


demovfuscator: Deobfuscator for movfuscated binaries.


Dash: A simple web based tool for working with assembly language.


ARMSCGen: ARM Shellcode Generator.


Asm_Ops: Assembler for IDA Pro (IDA Plugin).


Binch: A lightweight ELF binary patch tool.


Metame: Metamorphic code engine for arbitrary executables.


Patchkit: A powerful binary patching toolkit.


Pymetamorph: Metamorphic engine in Python for Windows executables.


Ropstone: A basic ROP/gadget finder.


asm_buddy: Small script to assemble/disassemble from CLI.


Nemezisv3: A GUI tool to convert hex-string to assembly and vice versa.


Stoneb0t: IRC bot providing assemble / disassemble for various architectures.


GCTF-Challenges: An assembly based puzzle at GryphonCTF 2016.


VulcanoIO: Open Source Cluster IOTs for Reverse Engineering Malware.


Proctal: Manipulates the address space of a running program on Linux.


Plasma: Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS, and generates pseudo-code with colored syntax.


Alfredworkflow-Capkeystone: Alfred Workflow to convert hex string to assembly and vice versa.


Trace: System tracer implementation in Rust.


Chiasm-shell: Python-based interactive assembler/disassembler CLI.


Dispatch: Programmatic disassembly and patching.


PEDetour: Modify Portable Executable file to hook its export functions


Stonesh: Command interpreter for Keystone and Capstone designed to be an alternative to ks/cstool.


Ratone: A console for assemble/disassemble code using Capstone/Keystone.


Unicorn.JS demo: Demo of Unicorn emulator in JavaScript.


SECCON2016 CTF: Online CTF game (Binary 400, Ropsynth).


AsmBot: Slack bot to assemble and disassemble using Capstone and Keystone.


Kcapys: Patch all calls to a function ELF file with NOPs.


Asrepl: x86-64 assembly REPL.


cgPwn: Cyber Grand Pwnage Box. Find/Extract processes, hypervisors in memory dumps using microarchitechture independent Virtual Machiene Introspection techniques.


Pwning-tools: A small library that help CTFer quickly write payload.


kcshell: Interactive assembly/disassembly shell for various architectures.


Botox: SIGSTOPing ELF binaries since 0x7E1.


AsmHelper: A MacOS tool to help convert machine code to assembly and vice versa.


Manticore: Dynamic binary analysis tool.


JSRT: Javascript Runtime for Windows, based on Chakra.


Fido: Teaching old shellcode new tricks.


Online Assembler & Disassembler: Online Assembler and Disassembler.


WinREPL: x86 and x64 assembly โ€œread-eval-print loopโ€ for Windows.


Rassembler: Assembly REPL written in Ruby


Asemu: 32-bit x86 emulator using ncurses and Capstone/Keystone/Unicorn.


Pwntools-Ruby: Pwntools on Ruby.


Sam-RS: Rust compiler plugin for compile time instruction assembling.


Resonance: A C polymorphic and metamorphic engine.


Shellen: Interactive shellcoding environment to easily craft shellcodes.


Capstone2LLVMIR: Library for Capstone instruction to LLVM IR translation.


Capstone-Dumper: Utility for dumping all the information Capstone has on given instructions.


PEPatch: A hacky tool to patch PE binaries.


PE-EP-Intercept: Experimental binary patching on executables.


Mutator: Suite of tools aimed at analysis and automation of C/C++ code development.


Ecos_gdb: A debugger written in assembly to allow serial and tcp based debugging of ECOS firmware.


Mega: ELF binary obfuscator.


LLDBinit: A gdbinit clone for LLDB.


Crave: Framework to automatically test and explore the capabilities of generic AV engines.