Anonymous ID: 87b74b Feb. 9, 2021, 7 a.m. No.12868448   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Maybe they are waiting that we reach critical mass? Or maybe timing is everything?

It is bigger than just arresting people! Look outside and see the masses of sheep… It is sad, it is sickening and I am pissed about the situation! Arrest the Pope and you will get chaos with millions of worshipper. Debunk the Islam and you will gwet chaos with crazy moslems… Humanity is a shit place, as of now on a beautiful planet!

But at some point, the hammer will fall, critical mass or not!

Awaken people will never go away anymore! No civil war, I believe in it! But I am prepeared in a second! Trust the plan and be vigliant all the time! We will win!