Anonymous ID: bf634b Feb. 9, 2021, 6:43 a.m. No.12868329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8344 >>8381


>Our Lady appeared to 3 children at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 and warned them that the errors of communism…


ahh, our daily dose of catholic (a leading agency of Satan) lies


so the catholic church was "warned against communism," by some young girls (more likely ate some of the local magic mushrooms)


What actually happened next: the catholic church EMBRACED communism,

  • deals with china (earlier russia) to allow catholicism with communist characteristics

… ignoring disappearing / organ harvesting of any that failed to comply and more

  • (even did a deal with Hitler too – July 1933, Hitler and Pope Pius XI signed a concordat, or treaty)



  1. still embracing all manner of evil governments

  2. the vatican is deeply (publically) involved (leadership role too) in the Great Reset


catholic leadership - vatican pope and cardinals: (note: not the ordinary misled church goers)


  1. embraces communist and facist leaders, dictators, deep state, eugenisists - even let them set church policies/practices/documents/leadership

  2. embrace all religions as valis (even those publically anti-christian), “they all lead to the same place” (Jesus, 'there is only ONE way.')

  3. tell people to speak to the dead and idols (in plain language without compromise many times 100% condemned by the Bible)

… especially Jesus' mom because God/Jesus (omnipresent) is 'too busy' to hear everyone but 'always (even been suggested "only") listens to mom.'

  1. claims the pope is infallible (even though Bible says, “There is no one without sin. NONE!")

  2. in plain sight "corrected" the Bible, Gods Word, where it did/doesn't fit their lies.

  3. behind / driving antisemitism (jelous because the Jews run their beloved Jerusalem… ignoring that it was God that gave it to them.)


Anyone that denies, attempts to alter or extend/reduce the Word of God, AND anyone who harms his people (even when they are being bad) are agents of Satan.

…catholic church does all of the above.


>division shill protestant faggot.


filter away,

… though you would do better to READ the Bible FOR YOURSELF

(ignore the preists' warnings it 'too hard' or 'too complicated' … try it)

— please do not let the antiChristi-pope and his junior demons inculcate their false beleifs


(abuse is Sin, please try to avoid it, rebuke is Love and is proscribed).

Anonymous ID: bf634b Feb. 9, 2021, 6:59 a.m. No.12868431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8475



don't worry, he's called me "division shill protestant faggot" more then once


I just can not believe anyone defending the catholic organization,

even less that they are on the side of the people…


vatican publicly supporting (in fact helping to drive) the Great Reset


claim they are "on our side"

  • backed up by 100% satanism (speaking to the dead)

  • in the past embraced any and all evil forms of govt (communism, facisizm, dictators…)


their teachings are false

their history proves they are absolute liars


now I again make the distinction:

ordinary catholic people are fine [but misled] - need help to see

the poop and his cardinulls in vatican: PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL

Anonymous ID: bf634b Feb. 9, 2021, 7:06 a.m. No.12868498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The Holy Roman Catholic Church does NOT equal



the UNholy Roman Catholic Church is a pure evil organization: Great Reset proponents, proven liars, murderers, adulterers, thieves, idol worshipers, false prophets, and even moreso and worse: slanderers of God and God's Word.

(all of this and worse documented in their very own history.)