Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:22 p.m. No.12873338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3353 >>3363 >>3723 >>3736

J&J CEO Says Annual Covid Vaccine Needed "For Years" As MSM Warns Virus Will "Circulate For Decades"


In recent days there has been a flood in good news on the covid front. Consider that a recent report from Bank of America, which notes that "COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to plunge" we read the following encouraging data points:


The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 in the US has declined dramatically to 81,439, or 51,035 (down 39%) from the peak which occurred on January 5th – a rapid turn in the crisis. The decrease is broad-based (50 states + DC, except for AK, which saw a minimal 2-person increase over the past week).


The recent widespread improvements prompted Goldman to get this close to declaring the all clear: in a Monday note from chief economist Jan Hatzius, he writes that "the global virus situation has improved significantly, with both new confirmed cases and the positivity rate down meaningfully since December. It is still too early for a significant impact from vaccinations, so we would attribute the improvement to other factors such as new restrictions, greater caution in individual behavior, and perhaps partial herd immunity in some places."


More notably, Hatzius notes that "the renewed improvement in the UK is particularly noteworthy because of the concerns about new variants, in this caseB117, which surfaced first there…. the UK’s response to its B117-heavy infection surge in December was similar to France’s response to its surge in October. The fact that both countries saw their infections decline in similar ways after the ELI increase suggests that B117 has not been a game changer, at least so far."

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:22 p.m. No.12873343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3351 >>3374 >>3506

Biden Scraps Trump Mandate For Universities To Report Chinese Dealings


President Trump made sure that any institutions failing to comply would lose certification for the Student and Exchange Visitor Program. Now Biden has scrapped the policy.


Joe Biden has scrapped a policy instituted by President Trump that mandated US colleges and universities to report all connections with the Chinese government to encourage transparency in the face of evidence that CCP propaganda is infiltrating the education system.


Axios reports that Trump enacted a policy demanding that education institutions disclose all dealings with the controversial Chinese Confucius Institute.


Trump made sure that under the new policy any institutions failing to comply would lose certification for the Student and Exchange Visitor Program.


However, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs documents show that Biden scrapped the policy on January 26, with an ICE official also confirming to Campus Reform that the policy was done away with by Biden.


In 2018, Trump also signed the National Defense Authorization Act, into which Senator Ted Cruz had placed a provision prohibiting funding to the Chinese-run Confucius Institutes on American campuses. Since that time, scores of schools have closed their Confucius Institute, according to Human Rights Watch.


However, College Fix reported that multiple institutions being scrutinised by the Department of Education have refused to provide internal documents that are thought to contain evidence of undisclosed financial grants from the Chinese government.


Now they don’t have to. Biden has seen to that, once again placating the Communist state.


As we previously reported, many universities throughout America are still allowing what have been described as Chinese propaganda centers to operate on their campuses, despite warnings from intelligence officials that the communist state is using them to infiltrate US society and indoctrinate Americans.


US intelligence agencies have previously labeled the Confucius Institutes as a national security threat, and several universities have since trashed the programs.


In congressional testimony in 2018, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that “The level of naïveté on the part of the academic sector about this creates its own issues. They’re exploiting the very open research and development environment that we have, which we all revere. But they’re taking advantage of it.”


In January, the Department of Justice also arrested a professor at Harvard, as well as two Chinese nationals for reportedly acting as foreign agents.


An engineering professor at the University of Arkansas was also arrested by the FBI and faces up to 20 years in prison for allegedly hiding funding that he received from the communist Chinese government.


Congressional Republicans also expressed concerns that China is attempting to hinder US coronavirus research through such infiltration of US universities.


In May last year, the FBI issued a PSA warning of the Chinese government’s intention to steal American medical research in its quest to find a cure for COVID-19.


Speaking to Campus Reform, Gordon Chang, an expert on United States-China relations, and author of The Coming China Collapse, noted that “estimates put the annual theft of American intellectual property at somewhere between $150-600 billion a year.”

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:23 p.m. No.12873348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3362 >>3554 >>3726

Senate Votes 56 to 44 to Proceed with Impeachment Trial of Private Citizen Donald J. Trump


After initial arguments from the House prosecution team and from President Donald Trump’s attorneys, the US Senate voted 56 to 44 to proceed with the impeachment trial of private citizen Donald J. Trump.


Senate Democrats and six Republicans voted on Tuesday to move forward with the impeachment trial.


Republicans voting to join the Democrats in this unprecedented assault on our constitution:


Ben Sasse

Pat Toomey

Susan Collins

Lisa Murkowski

Mitt Romney

Bill Cassidy

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:24 p.m. No.12873357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Debt and the Demise of the Middle Class


Unfortunately for those at the top who've benefited immensely from speculative bubbles, speculative bubbles don't create a vibrant middle class–they push what's left of the middle class off a cliff.


What exactly is the Middle Class and what unique role does it serve in the economy? Given that the Middle Class is constantly invoked by politicos and economists, you'd think the status quo had a solid understanding of the Middle Class. Alas, it isn't that simple.


The conventional view defines the middle class by income, education or type of labor being performed. These are all superficial attributes and ignore what actually differentiates the working class from the middle class. Yes, the middle class tends to earn more, have higher educational credentials and perform white-collar labor rather than blue-collar labor.


But getting a higher education credential and increased pay doesn't automatically provide a middle class role in the economy, nor does performing white-collar work. None of these automatically moves the individual up the social mobility ladder from near-zero ownership of capital (working class) to meaningful ownership of productive capital (middle class).


As I explained in The Top 10% Is Doing Just Fine, The Middle Class Is Dying on the Vine, the middle class is fundamentally a means of transforming labor into capital via savings and investment. The traditional ladder of social mobility from the working class to the middle class is one of capitalizing work: time and savings are invested in higher education, in effect capitalizing future labor by increasing productivity.


In other words, what separates the working class from the middle class is the middle class is able to transform their labor into capital while the labor of the working class only funds consumption. The working class is defined not by credentials, type of labor or credentials but by limited access to the means to transform their labor into capital.


In the classical Marxist view, there is a bright line between labor and capital: the proletariats labor in the factories owned by the capitalist industrialists who depend on monopoly capital controlled by the commercial/investment banks.


The class of small businesstradecrafts, commerce, professionals, merely a wedge between the dominant classes of labor and capital.


In this view, the exploitation of labor is the dominant force of capitalism. While labor is indeed exploited in many cases, the dynamic that this schema misses is the essential role of middle class credit/debt and consumption in generating profits for the big owners of capital. Low-wage workers benefit their employers but not the banks or those who profit from selling goods and services to higher-wage workers–the middle class.


Debt is immensely profitable, and so low-income workers are a limited pool of profitability. The financial services are expert at ripping off the working class with payday loans, check-cashing services, sky-high used auto loans, rapacious late fees and overdraft charges, but again, there is only so much blood that can be extracted from low-wage workers.


The higher, more secure wages of the middle class offer a bonanza of longer-term profits from debt taken on by the middle class: student loans to gain the credentials deemed necessary for middle class membership; auto loans, the larger the better for the aspirational consumption enabled by fatter paychecks, mortgages to buy homes, and consumer debt for all the consumption the middle class can afford: ski trips, cruises, fine dining, etc.


In other words, modern capitalism stagnates without a vibrant, creditworthy middle class that borrows and spends freely, for profits flow from high levels of debt and aspirational consumption that low-wage, insecure precariats cannot afford.

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:27 p.m. No.12873385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3487

Alleged Oath Keeper ‘Insurrectionist’ Is Actually Former FBI Section Chief With Top Secret Clearance, Says His Lawyer


Lawyer describes client as "a person worthy of trust and confidence of the United States government, as indicated by granting him Top Secret clearance”


An alleged “insurrectionist” associated with the Oath Keeper conservative men’s group is actually a former Navy commander and high-level FBI bureaucrat with top secret security clearance dating back over 40 years, according to court motion filed by his attorney this week.


Thomas Edward Caldwell has “been vetted and found numerous times as a person worthy of trust and confidence of the United States government, as indicated by granting him Top Secret clearance,” according to a motion filed Monday by attorney Thomas Plofchan.


The New York Post reports that Plofchan has informed prosecutors that Caldwell “worked as an FBI section chief from 2009 to 2010 following his retirement from the Navy as a lieutenant commander.”


According to Plofchan, Caldwell holds a top secret security clearance level dating back to 1979.


Caldwell has been named by prosecutors as a high-ranking leader in the Oath Keepers group. The Oath Keepers are allegedly a far-right militia movement, but in actuality recruit heavily from the military and law enforcement, and frequently espouse neoliberal talking points while aggressively confronting right-wing Trump supporters during public political events.


The news comes several weeks after Reuters reported that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was a “prolific” informant for the FBI who “helped authorities prosecute more than a dozen people in various cases involving drugs, gambling and human smuggling.”


On February 5, MSNBC host Nicole Wallace fantasized about the federal government “going after and killing” election integrity and lockdown protesters with “a drone strike”:


Wallace continued, “But my question for you is around incitement. Um, we had a policy, and it was very controversial, it was carried out under the Bush years and under the Obama years, of attacking terrorism at its root. Of going after and killing, and in the case of Anwar al-Awlaki an American, a Yemeni-American, with a drone strike for the crime of inciting violence, inciting terrorism.”


“Mitch McConnell was in the Senate then, he was in the Senate after 9-11 too, how does Mitch McConnell, who understands that the way you root out terrorism is to take on – in the case of Islamic terrorism, kill – those who incite it, how does he does not vote to convict someone that he said, on the floor of the Senate, incited an insurrection,” Wallace concluded.


Federal prosecutors have showed no signs of prosecuting violent Black Lives Matter rioters with the same vigor as pro-Trump protesters at the Jan. 6 Stop The Steal event.

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:29 p.m. No.12873412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dem Impeachment Case Leans on Legal Scholar Who Says Their Use of His Position is Based on Erroneous CNN Claim.


Democrats invoked the words of legal analyst Jonathan Turley in their opening statement on the second impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. The only problem? Turley says they’ve misrepresented him as a result of a falsehood perpetuated (and uncorrected) during a CNN interview.


Rep. Neguse (D-CO) – one of the Democrat impeachment managers – leant on a 21-year-old case made by Turley advocating for the post-presidential impeachment of Donald Trump.


Turley’s work on this matter, they claim, is key. But Turley himself says they got it wrong.


Rep. Neguse cited a 21-year-old piece of work by Turley and tried to pass it off as a few weeks old. Turley – who says his views have now “evolved” – corrected the claim on Twitter and undermining a key component of the Democrat case:


Turley recently wrote:


In my 1999 Duke Law Journal article on impeachment, I wrote that “[t]he Senate majority, however, was correct in its view that impeachments historically extended to former officials, such as Warren Hastings.” See Jonathan Turley, Senate Trials and Factional Disputes: Impeachment as a Madisonian Device, 49 Duke Law Journal 1-146 (1999)(emphasis added). Strangely, some have cited that line to show that I have changed my position on the subject. It doesn’t. It indeed was used retroactively in Great Britain as a historical matter, which I have always acknowledged. Yet, there are significant differences in the use of impeachment in both countries. Indeed, the colonial impeachments were strikingly different in many respects. As I noted in the Duke article, “Even if the only penalty is disqualification from future office, the open presentation of the evidence and witnesses represents the very element that was missing in colonial impeachments.”


Indeed Turley walked his audience through lawyer Laurence Tribe’s own partisan about-face on the issue recently, revealing how Tribe once stood against retroactive prosecutions but now – for Trump – agrees with them. Tribe once wrote:


“Removing a President, even just impeaching him, paralyzes the country. Removing him decapitates a coordinate branch. And remember that the President’s limited term provides a kind of check, and if the check fails, he can be prosecuted when he leaves. To impeach on the novel basis suggested here when we have impeached only one President in our history, and we have lived to see that action universally condemned; and when we have the wisdom not to impeach Presidents Reagan or Bush over Iran-Contra; and when we have come close to impeaching only one other President for the most wide-ranging abuse of presidential power subversive of the Constitution would lower the bar dramatically, would trivialize a vital check.”


It was Tribe who first claimed Turley agreed with retroactive impeachments in a recent interview. Turley’s views on the matter were over 20 years ago, when Tribe’s own views were the polar opposite.


In other words, the Democrat impeachment managers appear to have included untrue comments about Turley’s current position not on the basis of what Turley actually said, but what Tribe claimed Turley had said in a CNN interview.


I even went back and found the clip, which features Tribe calling Turley a hack, then attributing a statement from 21 years ago to “not so long ago.”

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:29 p.m. No.12873422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Axios Reporter Hid Relationship With Top Biden Staffer Throughout Campaign


Axios journalist Alexi McCammond revealed she was involved in a relationship with President Biden’s Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo throughout the 2020 presidential campaign.


“McCammond, 27, had covered Biden’s presidential campaign in 2019 and 2020 and got to know Ducklo, the then-candidate’s press secretary. At the time, McCammond was in a relationship and Ducklo was “super single,” the article said. The two became friends,” The New York Post noted before revealing the couple started dating in November.


McCammond, also an NBC and MSNBC Contributor, told Axios about the relationship and asked “to be taken off of the Biden beat.”


“She was reassigned to covering progressive lawmakers in Congress and progressives across the U.S. as well as Vice President Kamala Harris,” an Axios spokeswoman noted.


However, many of her post-November stories still relate to President Biden, including “Scoop: Lance Bottoms rejected Biden’s SBA offer,” “Biden picks Rep. Deb Haaland to lead Interior Department in historic first,” and “Biden may start with ‘skeleton staff.”


The relationship also calls into question many of McCammond’s “exclusive” stories relating to the Biden campaign’s communications strategy, as Ducklo served as the Biden campaign’s National Press Secretary.


Prior to announcing her relationship, she published stories entitled “Exclusive: Biden ads court young Black men in final campaign stretch,” “Scoop: Inside Kamala Harris’ new strategy for the VP debate,” and “Biden aiming ads at military families.”

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:31 p.m. No.12873435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Verified Twitter User Gailen David Calls Violent Attack of Senator Rand Paul ‘A National Treasure’


Verified Twitter user and TV producer Gailen David has called the violent attacker of Senator Rand Paul a “national treasure”. Thus far Jack Dorsey’s company has taken no action against the anti-conservative user, despite claiming to uphold rules which terminate accounts glorifying violence.


David – mentioned in a number of legal and human resources cases on the internet – sent the following message to Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) on Tuesday morning:


“Rand’s neighbor is a national treasure. He was trying to save our country.”


Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in 2019 that he had surgery to remove part of his lung that was damaged when his neighbor – Rene Boucher – attacked him in 2017.


Galien David has over 23,000 followers on the platform which claims in its own rules:


You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence.


Glorifying violent acts could inspire others to take part in similar acts of violence. Additionally, glorifying violent events where people were targeted on the basis of their protected characteristics (including: race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease) could incite or lead to further violence motivated by hatred and intolerance. For these reasons, we have a policy against content that glorifies acts of violence in a way that may inspire others to replicate those violent acts and cause real offline harm, or events where members of a protected group were the primary targets or victims.


Twitter’s rules go on:


Under this policy, you can’t glorify, celebrate, praise or condone violent crimes, violent events where people were targeted because of their membership in a protected group, or the perpetrators of such acts. We define glorification to include praising, celebrating, or condoning statements, such as “I’m glad this happened”, “This person is my hero”, “I wish more people did things like this”, or “I hope this inspires others to act”.


Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to, glorifying, praising, condoning, or celebrating:


violent acts committed by civilians that resulted in death or serious physical injury, e.g., murders, mass shootings;

attacks carried out by terrorist organizations or violent extremist groups (as defined by our terrorism and violent extremism policy); and

violent events that targeted protected groups, e.g., the Holocaust, Rwandan genocide.


Hundreds of thousands of conservative accounts have disappeared on social media platforms including Twitter in recent months. At the same time, Dorsey’s company appears to take no action against left-wingers on the website.

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:50 p.m. No.12873582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3607 >>3611 >>3624 >>3629 >>3693

GOP Air National Guardsman in Congress: Convict Trump and Save America


An Air National Guard lieutenant colonel who also serves as a U.S. representative from Illinois wants to hold former President Donald Trump accountable by convicting him during his impeachment trial.


In an Washington Post Op-Ed titled, "My fellow Republicans, convicting Trump is necessary to save America," Rep. Adam Kinzinger made the case Monday to convict Trump on the charge of "incitement of insurrection."


Trump is the first U.S. president to be impeached twice. Lawmakers charged him last month with "inciting violence against the government of the United States" over the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot.


"Impeachment offers a chance to say enough is enough," Kinzinger wrote. "I firmly believe the majority of Americans Republican, Democrat, independent, you name it reject the madness of the past four years. But we'll never move forward by ignoring what happened or refusing to hold accountable those responsible. That will embolden the few who led us here and dishearten the many who know America is better than this. It will make it more likely that we see more anger, violence and chaos in the years ahead."


Kinzinger challenged those who claim the second trial, currently underway in the Senate, sows more division or is "a waste of time."


"It's a matter of accountability," he wrote. "If the GOP doesn't take a stand, the chaos of the past few months, and the past four years, could quickly return. The future of our party and our country depends on confronting what happened – so it doesn't happen again."


Kinzinger, an RC-26 pilot in the Wisconsin Air National Guard, has been an outspoken critic of other Republican lawmakers who sought to overturn some states' electoral results prior to the inauguration of President Joe Biden on Jan. 20.


Last month, he was one of 10 Republicans who voted for Trump's impeachment.


Since the vote, the Illinois Republican has received backlash from constituents calling him a traitor or RINO, which stands for "Republican In Name Only," according to The Atlantic.


Kinzinger admitted he'll likely face opposition during the 2022 primary election, telling CNN's political consultant and strategist David Axelrod that voting for the impeachment mattered more than his political ambitions.


"I did it knowing full well it could very well be terminal to my career," Kinzinger said last month during an episode of "The Axe Files." "But I also knew that I couldn't live with myself having, you know, try to just protect it and just felt like the one time I was called to do a really tough duty, I didn't do it."


Kinzinger took time off from his political duties in February 2019 when he deployed with his intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance unit to the southern U.S. border for the security mission.


His situation as both a member of the military and a lawmaker could put him in a precarious position.


Law experts have questioned whether service members, even retired, may speak out against superiors, and whether they would be subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice disciplinary action. According to the Lawfare Blog, "contemptuous speech" is prohibited by Article 88 of the UCMJ.


It criminalizes "contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State," Lawfare's Rick Houghton, an Army veteran, wrote of the provision.


Article 134 of the UCMJ speaks to "the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces," and any "conduct of a nature that brings discredit upon the armed forces."


It's not clear whether the measure applies to Kinzinger since Trump is no longer the commander in chief.


A spokesperson for the Wisconsin National Guard could not be reached for comment.

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:51 p.m. No.12873591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army Special Operations School Drops 'III' Logo Adopted by Extremist Group


An element of Army Special Operations Command has distanced itself from a unit logo that has been adopted by a domestic extremist group.


Just last week, the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School advised all of its personnel to avoid using more than a dozen symbols linked by law enforcement to extremist activity.


One, featuring a Roman numeral "III" surrounded by a circle of stars, is now the symbol of the Three Percenters, a "militia movement/paramilitary group with members who adhere to a far-right/libertarian ideology with a primary focus on firearms ownership right and opposition to expansive U.S. federal government authority," according to a JFK SWCS slide briefing.


The image had been part of the long-time unofficial symbol of Trauma 3, an 18-month, special operations medical course focused on tactical combat casualty care.


"Certain aspects of that logo have a striking resemblance to the symbology of an extremist organization – specifically the Roman numeral three with the Betsy Ross star circle, which was used by Trauma 3," Col. Matt Gomlack, chief of staff at the JFK SWCS, told


Trauma 3 had used the symbol "way longer" than the Three Pecenters, which was formed in 2008, Gomlack said, describing how its military use goes back to the 1990s.


Concerns over domestic extremism exploded after rioters in Washington, D.C., breached the U.S. Capitol building, resulting in more than 25,000 National Guard members being ordered to the city to beef up security for the Jan. 20 inauguration of President Joe Biden.


On Feb. 3, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III ordered commanders across the services to take time over the next two months to discuss the problem of extremist ideology in the ranks with all formations.


But Gomlack said unit leaders started addressing the issue before Austin's directive. In fact, Trauma 3 decided to remove the III and the circle of stars from its logo in August, when a student identified it as the symbol of the Three Percenters.


"A member of Trauma 3, one of the students, said, 'Hey, do you guys know that this symbol looks a lot like the symbol of the Three Percenters? And they were like, 'Who the hell are the Three Percenters?'" he said.


Trauma 3's logo which features a skull that combines a paddle for the Marine Forces Special Operations Command, a trident for the Navy SEALs and an arrow for Army Special Forces no longer features the III and the circle of stars on the skull.


"It was actually organically detected, and we took steps to change it then," Gomlack said.


The unit also sold T-shirts over the years featuring an American flag with the III surrounded by the circle of stars in a blue field, he added. "But of course those shirts that we sold five years prior in a blissful state of ignorance of our symbology that parallels this extremist group – they are still out there."


The Jan. 6 Capitol breach "really brought to the national attention this issue of extremism and, frankly, it brought issues of the symbology that these extremist organizations use," Gomlack said.


"We really started to have concerns about the perception of linking our symbology with the symbology of extremist organizations, so to protect the members of our command, we said we need to understand what symbology is out there that is affiliated with extremism," he explained. "We are still in the process of developing a comprehensive policy that will put in the right levers of checks and reviews, so that we can avoid producing a T-shirt or a unit logo or a course logo or something that somebody could mistakenly attribute to an extremist organization."


The command has also briefed all of its personnel on a list of 14 symbols that have been linked to extremist groups by the New York Police Department's Intelligence Bureau. The symbols range from the Nazi swastika to the Oath Keepers' symbol, which bears the far-right militia group's name on a gold and black tab resembling that of the Army Rangers.


The command released a statement late Friday to all of its personnel stating that the future wear or posting of "any of these symbols" could result in "military punishment."


"The command is doing two things: We are protecting our formation from potential misperceptions … and two, we are also sending a message that extremism is not tolerated in the Department of Defense and certainly not in our organization." Gomlack said.

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 2:59 p.m. No.12873649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Should Police Belong to a Satanic Cult? (Freemasonry)


Hidden in plain sight. The checkerboard motif belongs to Freemasonry. Like all our social institutions, the police have been subverted by the Rothschild banking cartel.

Never seemed to matter until now when they're enforcing the phoney pandemic and the Communist (Satanist) oppression it represents.


The relationship between sworn law enforcement personnel and the Lodge is a subject matter that is very rarely discussed in any circle.


As secretive as the Freemasons Lodge is, the world of law enforcement is equally and arguably more secretive in the totality of scope and core nature.


Understanding the fact that Freemasonry is an 'oath-based' secretive society, that relies totally on all of its initiates to conceal all of the many secrets afforded to them, why would any sworn, law enforcement official be allowed to become a member of a Masonic Lodge?


Each and every law enforcement official is already duly sworn to protect and serve their respective communities, counties, villages, Parishes, cities, Boroughs, or states.


Being a member of law enforcement and a member of the Masonic Lodge is certainly, a conflict of interest. Police and Masonry walk hand-in-hand.


Just as each and every law enforcement official has to uphold their oaths to protect and serve; they must also uphold the oaths that they took within their respective Lodges. What if the Lodge oaths of law enforcement personnel directly conflict with the charges of their law enforcement duties?


Understanding the fact that these closed societies take care of their own, is it safe to say that many police officers, who are also Freemasons, are free to walk above the law?


Do you know anyone who is a police officer and a Freemason… or… are you currently serving your respective community as a police officer, while also a member of the Masonic Lodge?

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 3:01 p.m. No.12873664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Military Intel: Iran Is Two Years Away From Nukes, but Hasn't Decided on Breakout


The Iranian nuclear program is advancing, intelligence assessment says, but Tehran is still missing some key components needed for a bomb


Iran is advancing with its nuclear program and could produce a bomb within two years, but its leadership hasn't decided yet as to whether to break out to weapons-grade enrichment, according to an Israeli Military Intelligence assessment released on Monday.


Should Tehran decide to enrich at least 40 kilograms (nearly 90 lbs) of uranium to 90 percent, it would allow it to develop a nuclear bomb within two years, according to the Israeli assessment.


Military Intelligence officials believe that Iran is struggling in developing some critical components needed for a bomb, like explosive mechanisms and missiles.


The officials also posit that the most significant reason for the delay in Iran’s nuclear program is the November assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, which foreign media attributed to Israel. Fakhrizadeh was coordinating all the relevant components that go into making a nuclear bomb and Iran is having difficulty replacing him, the appraisal claims.


Earlier on Tuesday, Iranian state television reported that Iran’s intelligence minister warned his country could push for a nuclear weapon if international sanctions on Tehran remain in place.


The remarks by Mahmoud Alavi mark a rare occasion that a government official says Iran could reverse its course on the nuclear program.


Tehran has long insisted that the program is for peaceful purposes only, though Alavi added that Iran has no plans to move toward a nuclear weapon under “current circumstances.”


Despite the early indications that the Biden administration will pursue a diplomatic strategy with Iran, the president said the United States will not lift its economic sanctions on Iran in order to get Tehran back to the negotiating table to discuss how to revive the Iran nuclear deal, according to a video released by CBS News on Sunday.


Kek this never gets old apparently oh or comes true

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 3:12 p.m. No.12873745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3899

President Trump’s Lawyers Present A DEVASTATING Piece Of Evidence!


President Trump’s legal team has a knockout piece of evidence that completely derails any Democrat fantasy of impeaching number 45.


NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Support President Trump?


According to sources law enforcement received reports and intel that the January 6th riots were going to happen LONG BEFORE President Trump’s speech on January 6th.


That’s right.


Once again reports are simply saying what we all know in our hearts to be true, and these reports are supported by what former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has said in an interview to Fox News.


Take a look:

Anonymous ID: b1699d Feb. 9, 2021, 3:30 p.m. No.12873916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3929

Disgusting: Three more cast members from Netflix series “Cheer” arrested for sexual misconduct with minors


Three people associated with the Netflix docuseries “Cheer” have been arrested for alleged sexual misconduct involving minors.


“Cheer,” an Emmy-winning Netflix original documentary series, follows the members of the Navarro College competitive cheer squad while they train to compete for the title at the junior college national championship.


In September 2020, Jeremiah “Jerry” Harris, one of the show’s stars, was accused in a lawsuit of “child exploitation and abuse” of twin brothers, age 13 at the time of the alleged abuse.


The lawsuit alleged that Harris:


“exploited his popularity and position of fame with young male cheer athletes… leading up to, during, and following the distribution of the ‘Cheer’ docuseries.”


It further alleged that Harris exchanged sexually explicit photos with the minors, and:


“Harris’ messages were not limited to electronic harassment and abuse.


“Harris often attempted to make Plaintiffs meet Harris in secluded locations at various competitions, soliciting sexual conduct with these boys.”


Approximately one week after this lawsuit was filed, Harris was arrested for “enticing an underage boy to produce sexually explicit videos and photos of himself.”


He was charged with one count of producing child pornography, and in October a judge denied him bond.


In December, 2020, Harris was indicted on seven counts in U.S. District Court in Illinois. New charges at that time alleged that he not only solicited photos from minor boys, but also solicited sex from minors while at cheerleading competitions.


A spokesperson for Harris stated that Harris and his associates “categorically dispute[d]” the claims. Harris is presently awaiting trial.


The sexually-related arrests have not stopped there.


Recently, two more men associated with the show have made headlines for their arrests for sexual offenses.


Mitchell Ryan, 23, was a Navarro College cheer team member on the show.


He was arrested in Texas on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, and charged with “felony aggravated sexual assault of a child.” This assault allegedly occurred on June 24, 2020.


Ryan’s attorney, Jeremy Rosenthal, told USA Today:


“This has been a nightmare for Mitch and his family.”


He added:


“We look forward to Dallas County hearing the truth and this case being over.”


Rosenthal did not comment further on the case.


His client was released from jail Friday, February 5, after posting bond.


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