This whole situation is so fucked up. It’s warped beyond any reality I would have ever expected to see so here’s my (il)logic:
Like any other trial ‘judge’, I expect the Senate to vote based on the evidence shown before them, not facts they know exist outside the admitted evidence. Seems an impossibility, I agree. If the Rs somehow vote based solely on the evidence presented at trial, he's impeached.
I get it…why would any R do this? Perhaps because this is a movie.
If they vote against impeachment, every one of them will be excoriated for being partisan by the MSM.
If they vote for it, they enable the rest of the script. I don't think ppl will rise up immediately following impeachment. I think it will be more like the burn intensifies and people hope for a better result at criminal trial.
If this isn't a movie and we're watching the implosion of a republic, we're all fucked.
The impeachment will be the last bit of encouragement the bloodthirsty dems need to keep persecuting DJT. They announce the charges immediately following the vote. If Trump testifies in person…he’s right there.