There are two possibilities that this anon has personally distilled the q campaign to:
2 - Q is real and this was a psyop against Trump and everyone in his circle. Q was close to Trump and tricked him along with everyone else into creating a world where conservatives are viewed as white supremacist terrorists. The pysop included directing Trump's every move - from not denouncing Q to ordering a mass gathering on 1/6 where the cabal had inserts ready to go to raid the Capitol and force the DoD's hand to create a fortress around it such that they could move forward with selling off America to China uninterrupted. The fortress would also subsequently protect Congress after they impeach Trump and put him in prison - anticipating mass revolt.
2 - Q is real and in-time justice will be served.
Anything is is bullshit.
What was everyone supposed to do, genius?
Maybe go out and vote like never before? That happened.
Maybe rally around POTUS like never before in history? that happened.
Maybe storm the Captiol because everyone was so pissed off from the exposure into the cabal that this board provided? That happened.
So try and level-up past "this was a psyop to keep everyone lazy" because this was the most historically active election by a base in world history .
No fuck off faggot.
Think logically:
What would've been the world's response if a sitting president arrested hundreds of the opposite party's incumbents? There is absolutely no way that would've been a "good" plan.
Unrecoverable mass hysteria. Something else is up. Irregular warfare - way above our paygrades.