Anonymous ID: dd5909 May 3, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.1287600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7810 >>8359

Thank you POTUS! I truly feel like you are hearing my voice! You and your administration, Q Team, our wonderful Military that is helping you, you are all making life so much more worth living again!

For that I am eternally grateful!


Anons, especially those who believe in an eternal life that awaits us, just let this sink in…


There are times that I dread thinking about 2024, because we won't be able to vote for this POTUS again (maybe we can change that). I know that I will cry and I will miss him greatly, but God will continue to guide us and bless us with a new and wonderful President, maybe someone like Pompeo! Trust Kansas!


Well, rest assured and continue in hope and love, because we are assured that our POTUS is a born again Christian - he believes not just in God, but also in His Son Jesus Christ, our Savior. That's all it takes! Believing and confessing (Romans 10:9&10), and POTUS has done that. So that means that we will be able to spend eternity with him and probably most of his cabinet and his family, FLOTUS!! and the VP & and Second Lady. Jesus Christ will also walk and talk with us. We will probably also meet Q there if not in this lifetime. We will get to spend time with them all and get to know every detail of The Plan, and we will get every question answered (if not before then) to our hearts delight. That brings my heart so much joy!!! Thank you Father God for your Son Jesus Christ to make ALL of this available to us just by believing and confessing!

Anonymous ID: dd5909 May 3, 2018, 11:56 a.m. No.1287760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8359

What an inspiration! God will find you anywhere! Even in solitary confinement! He's just waiting for you to call out to him. He is as close as your very breath!


God's will is that ALL come to the knowledge of TRUTH and be SAVED!


That is what God wants for ALL of us! Everyone! God does not discriminate, in fact, once you are born again, to Him, it is as if you have NEVER sinned. Not just that you have sinned and have been forgiven, but as if you had NEVER sinned. Wow! What a loving God indeed!!!

Anonymous ID: dd5909 May 3, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.1288356   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I feel like I have met POTUS in my prayers. While praying to God during a dark time in our country I was praying for a new President. One that was not bought out by the system. When I first heard that Trump was running and I started listening to him, I knew that was the same person I had imagined in my prayers to God. Amazing isn't it! It is LOVE from God our Father through Jesus Christ that we can pray in the Spirit and God hear's our prayers, has forknowledge of them in fact and is already working towards answering them. I am sure that Trump has felt His presence in his life.