what org would even care enough about this board to pay shills?
This place is a 3rd World Shit Hole
62 days since Q's last post
9/11 Eyewitness - "Harley Guy" Mark Walsh
Obvious fake planted FOX freelancer "witness". The famous Harley Guy. the infamous "Harley Guy" from 9/11 fame. He was the guy who happened to live just a few blocks away from the trade center complex and "witnessed" the event. His description (from a layman who was a "Fox Contributor") became what seems to be the very basis for the government/media's "Official Story".
THere a lots of types on there. Did you look at them all?
I think it was a reference to Menstruation about to happen
Q is the soul of Lincoln and JFK.
A non-incarnated Pleiadian known as Oritq.
"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."
that 93 days dark was to condition us for this long spell
order followers are the worst
Anon was posting screencaps from this last night, I considered it