Does a premium membership include getting all the shill's contact info, when this is done?
I want to set up some guided safaris.
Does a premium membership include getting all the shill's contact info, when this is done?
I want to set up some guided safaris.
Good hunting can be had that way, but the clients can do that themselves.
I'm thinking more exotics… the "pros" who mistakenly think they have covered their tracks.
You must have very high clearances to be able to assert that you know everything DJT has done.
Are you Q?
I will pray you will never be asked to… and pray that you will have the strength and resolve, if you are. It's going to get a lot uglier, soon.
"No plan survives first contact with the enemy: A piece of military wisdom deriving from a formulation by the nineteenth-century Prussian military commander Helmuth van Moltke. He wrote in 1880, "No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main force."
Anyone who thinks the Q team doesn't know this, and didn't know this when they set up shop, is kidding themselves. To pretend that "the plan" is somehow anything more than a flexible overview of what needs to (eventually) happen, is to display complete ignorance of war.
I sometimes wish the quote had been "Trust your team".