OldFags will alwyas be here
>>12877194 /pb/
speaking of miracle..ty special pepanon..sometimes its sucks not knowing all the cool peeps friken gaylingo comms amongst thmeselves ..its like wtf…these are "our anons" huh.>>12877226
No Im not..I saw it live on AJ…Dr Steve never fell for AJ..too smart…but knew AJ had biggest platform..he got me..thats when I freaked…suddenly all the dark things I saw in in almost 30 yrs research of this..was true….fucking scary..I lerned from him this type warfare…why I stayed silent so long…and sleepless.
just give some arms to hold me…Thats All
watching Wray from 2018 now…understanding things….thinking about all I missed…there was lots of fuckery on this side..took it all..Im 100% sure..the watcheres watching the watchers..got it all….if they thought I wasnt sat enough…I chose to be a rabbit..they could chase me..brothers watch….no proofs just a Special kind of Faith
you have no idea
what is: This is not just about a 4 year election.
Utah Mil
hey remember lots of mil was compromised..maybe more then they thought…we had huge Antifa /Isis recruiting the younger gen….some are in here right now…Yousee,,,to them..Mission Accomplished…but theu aint gettin their promised pallets of cask..kek..they all have phones..double kek!!!
I was vague intentionally..but you got it…
at least the shill is low iq type…nevermind low iq shill…I know your not getting paid now..you all will eat yourselves in the end like rats
How was it chasing Joe Rogan..all you living in the woods kooks..go fuck yourselves Tough guys…you got it wrong..get yourself some Bone Broth kek!
classic..you got the feel free to dig meme?
apologies anon…been the same topic….I see you been around….but..Q was talking way more then AJ for sure….way more if you knew backstory..i did…Q is Mil Intelligence thats all you need to understand…and this whole op worked at very least as a False front for the enemy to expend ammo..no ordinary warefare….some demon shit to if your eyes could see…oh yeah,,Spiritual Warfare ids Legit.
almost times for those proofs
Bingo..First Wave Shit…Sends Pawns First…or we had massive infestation…really no way to vet…so makes sense…drop all tools out..Vault 7 drop…send teams out..monitor 100%..including public..illegal but necessary..
beautiful day of dog