they are the discs i found i lions
but they throw fine
i can custom order one anyway
like 149g eagle
z-plastic doesn't throw right or something
i dont know how to throw the fancy discs
or the heavy ones
but the 149 orange eagle turns over in the wind
but i can smash with it on a nice day
otherwise i am stuck throwing the white archangel
which isn't the end of the world
it will cut through but i can't throw it on the monster
that is so far
it would take me 5 drives to hit the monster
and that is par 3
like i could train and do it..
but i would need 3 solid drives + good putt
or years and years of throwing disc after disc until i learned to backstep and pull around correctly.
cause you have to launch it with the arm
you can't just wrist sling it like they do in china
you can
but it goes whacky at first
but then if you are whacky somehow it gets there too
like yea
you might end up in a tree but for some reason you are on the right side of the tree
or you cut through the branches instead of getting stuck
at a super steep angle behind a tree
cause you can know where the basket is all day and maybe you can step back a bit
but that is the question really
if i put my disc in a tree
can i get it out?
do i have to throw from inside the tree?
if i can get out.. can i choose which side of the tree i reach in from and pull the disc out to improve my next shot..
like can i throw the disc right into the tree and the pull it out the otherside
cause it doesn't matter really
if you are not competing for anything
you are just playing with yourself
but if you are playing for money or something, even if it is just a few bucks like you don't want people cheating
but what are the rules..
cause everyone knows you can't move a golf ball from the spot
but what about a disc
cause you already back it up from the tree where it landed
can i keep walking like 10 steps backwards to get a clear shot?
or am i bound by the 3 step rule of play it where it lies?
and if i am.. what bout a tree that is more than 3 steps in
or what if i just take a mulligan?
i just shoot again
so what i lose a shot
but the thing is
why take another bad shot when you could just start the 9th over and replay
cause you can hit the birdie easy on the 10th
if 9 was just a mess up
but if you hit wrong on 9 10 11 12 blah
then of course you play way over par