Is this where QAnon posts?
>Who's QAnon?
Insider posting crumbs on the bread linked to Trump. Hello newfren, see and read:
before posting.
>Never heard of em…try Farcebook or 4 chan or reddit or…CNN kekeke
See: >>12877824 for undeniable QAnon proofs
and tell me to go back to facebook, newfren.
You have a lot to learn.
>LOL I'm not a newfag.
You sound like it, you should go back to lurking until you get your feet underneath you. No offense you come off like a newfren.
> There is no QAnon except that term used, wrongly, by the MSM
So it's used, but doesn't exist… and I'm the newfren? Ok there bud.
>Are you looking for QAnon or QAoui?
Anon is short for anonymous because this is an anonymous image board. It's slang. QAnon is an anon named Q (hence Q+Anon=QAnon, simple to smart people).
Invasion of newfrens tonight that are breaking the rules by not lurking.
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