Worth noting… Twitter suspended my account for Retweeting this ECW Tweet.
This was the only thing I Tweeted on the account in the last 24 hours and what's even more insane is that Gmail also suspended the new email address I created in a clean Virtual Box Running Kali Linux… How is that even possible?
If that's not crazy enough, I created another new email address this time through Protonmail & Twitter at first "Fully Restored" my account access… Only to immediately follow that up with a 9 hour suspension for "Breaking Twitter Rules" and while sitting in the screen they changed the suspension from 9 hours to 12.
I'm listening to "We're not gonna take it" to get amped and Peacefully Protest.
Here's the Tweet that Twitter is suppressing and suspending accounts over…
"Worth every ounce of effort. The men and women of the Department of Defense whether contractor, civilian, or military deserve due process. Great article by @ninarenesq
analyzing the reforms."