Social media is killing you.
Stop posting on this website. It is garbage.
The owner of this website hates Trump.
He probably posts all the Antisemite stuff.
My pillow guy needs to take his money and run. Q fooled him.
Trump never thought people would believe in Q.
It was a bad joke.
I'll apologize for Trump. He never thought he would win. It was a joke.
Trump never thought he would win' he just wanted to bust Hillarie's balls.
Q was Trumps press secretary.
Trump never wanted to be president.
It is beneath him.
Get a girl friend loser.
It's late I'm tired of baby sitting you assholes.
This site will be gone soon. Adjust.
NFL and Boxing the only place attempted murder is not a crime.
It's Jesus and nothing else.
I'll pass.
Q was fake.
Trump worked for a slitty less satanic group than Biden.
Trump never wanted. to be president.
It was a joke.
Never vote for him again.
He made fools of you.
Trump ran for president as a joke Hillary was his friend.
>Trump ran for president as a joke he voted for Hillary
When he was elected he pretended to be Reagan.
Evil Joe Biden is better than bad actor Trump
What kind of idiot has children with 3 wives? Trump.
When Q stopped getting paid he stopped posting here. Q was in it for the money.
Q had no idea you would believe her.
Joe is slitly less creepy than Q.
Q knew everything she said was a lie but she did it anyway
Trump supported Hillary he never thought you would vote for him.
Q was Trumps Press secretory. >>12879218
Trump never wanted to be president. He voted for Hillary.