Q warned Cohen 5 day in advanve that the FBI was coming.
Not: nothing soon' happened to Google's jigsaw Jared Cohen.
Q warned Cohen 5 day in advanve that the FBI was coming.
Not: nothing soon' happened to Google's jigsaw Jared Cohen.
Q warned Michael Cohen 5 day in advanve that the FBI was coming.
Note: nothing soon' happened to Google's jigsaw Jared Cohen.
Q's messages are cryptic riddle's with multiple meanings.
Yeah I believe the FBI is coming for Jared Kushner.
Kanye West's live is in danger for supporting Trump.
Compton crypt's want to kill Kanye.
>fag you are stupid and nigga's ball sack.
Some people get it and some don't.
CNN Don Lemon also sucks shit off of fag dick.