>Won't she need a Whole New Scalp?
It will fall off in time as the skin layers shed.
Will take awhile, considering she likely used a shit ton and did so on her fucking head.
All that we can hope, for her sake, is that the glue did not expand into the cranial cavity, which may represent a huge void for the glue to fill the vacancy left by lacking of brain.
Otherwise, All the glue will come off, without requiring expensive plastic surgery.
However, her head will be bald as shit and feel funny AF for about at least a month.
I've used gorilla glue many a times. It is not fun getting ANY amount on your skin. Have to wait til it dries, then manually remove by cutting off layers of skin. For small blotches, nail clippers have been my preferred method. Works to get the glue on the surface off, while removing minimal layers of skin required to remove the unwanted cured glue. Once glue is bonded to skin (happens almost instantly) there is little to nothing one can do besides remove the entire layer of skin.
If a person is dumb enough to try this on their head, they should not be awarded any amount of settlement money, as the warning on the label clearly state to avoid contact with skin. Dumb lady forgot that underneath her hair, there is most certainly these very layers of skin. If she used the glue in a manner which limited the application to hair only, she would not require any surgery, nor would she be in pain. The affected hair could easily be removed without requiring to address any bonds to the skin itself.
Point to take away, while the glue itself is considered to be a "permanent" bond, the skin does naturally shed layers of itself, thus is not a "permanent" surface. The glue will manually remove itself over time, as the layers of skin begin to shed. There may be a way to soften, but experimenting with random chemicals is not really a good option to take, considering this is only a temporary blunder. Patches of hair will fall out. Some may never grow back properly. Age does factor, and baldness is something humans experience naturally. Ultimately, people need to learn not to be so fucking stupid, to literally risk their own hides for a sliver of vanity.