^^^ this is the type of nigger who gets hired to run a big tech company and shadow bans anyone who doesn't push the official narratives
they should bring back the anonymous copypasta from a few months ago
that's sure to get faggots to bite
must not require accurate spelling to be hired at the adl
used to be one of the few telling those fags to lurk for 2 years before posting
that all went to shit now
everyone straight off twatter and their cuckbook groups came here and started slinging shit everywhere like monkeys
8ch /pol/ would have eaten them alive
>who's they?
<hollup, lemme get my crayon
people who use copypasta like the "i am the leader of anonymous" one not long ago.
>Is sniffy joe going to be forced to repay the American People for all the time and resources wasted during his mock presidency?
was the $40 million from the mueller witch hunt ever paid back, knowing it was all a lie?
gotta mark that one down as a loss
cool story
fuck niggers, kikes, jannies, and especially trannies.
don't you mean l33t h4x0r known as 4chan and that it has ebola?
or the $6.4 trillion that went "missing" from the pentagon during 9/11?
bet some generals, top brass, a shitload of contractors, and the usual suspects got super rich off that one.
dni and oversight committees, one of which feinstein is on
just look at the names and be amazed of how fucked the whole thing is
remember how pappy bush met with tim's, i mean bin laden's brother and investors of the carlyle group the day of and before 9/11?
good times.
world economic forum, shabbos goys, cryptos, smolhats, and chang oh my!
damn, thought that was the one where he was explaining how the shadow government worked.
been looking for it on and off for a while now.
probably cia also
they pay their assets well
ah, i found it!
once assets outlive their usefulness, they're liquidated.