Well I hope he has better luck steering that sleek beast than he does getting out of it.
New Jersey downboats your comment
I am not a lawyer but I play one on television.
So if AOC, Mudslimes, and other Congressniggers really, really think Trump incited sedition at the Capitol on the 6th, then they should have gotten a Grand Jury to indict him (remember it happened in D.C. so they could probably get a brainwashed GJ) then arrest his ass in Florida.
Now what does that have to do with your post?
If Trump were put on a trial he has rights of criminal discovery; he could seize records and do depositions showing that Congress was briefed ahead of time on Antifa impersonating Trump supporters.
Now if Trump DOES NOT put that logic forward at his post-impeachment-removal-from-office-he-no-longer-holds-wtf-we-be-banana-republic-now trial then fuck I don't know what he's thinking.
Actually I do get it; just trying to drop nudges and hints to lurkers and people who aren't there with you yet.
How many cohencidences (lol) does it take before it is statistically impossible for Trump to not be part of the deep state…though I will admit the constant insanity of the commies chewing on the fucking scenery re: Trump does seem over-the-top but I guess that's because leftist normalfags are outrageously clueless on how easily they are brainwashed.