Anonymous ID: e3ec02 Feb. 10, 2021, 8:38 p.m. No.12888313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8335 >>8359 >>8485 >>8534 >>8580 >>8685 >>8783 >>8795 >>8884 >>8940

January Border Apprehensions Jump 157 Percent over Last Year as Biden Takes Office


The number of migrants apprehended by Border Patrol agents in January after illegally crossing the border from Mexico jumped by 157 percent over January 2020. The massive jump comes amidst the new Biden administration policies on border security and immigration enforcement.


Border Patrol agents arrested 75,198 migrants who illegally crossed the Mexican border into the U.S. between ports of entry in January, according to the January Southwest Border Migration Report released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Wednesday night. This is up from 29,205 the year before. The apprehensions mark the highest January total since 2006 when agents took more than 101,000 migrants into custody.


“We continue to vigilantly perform our mission to secure our borders and enhance the nation’s economic prosperity by facilitating legitimate trade and travel,” CBP Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner Troy Miller emailed at 7 p.m Wednesday night. “While CBP continues to experience an increase in attempted monthly border crossings as seen since last April, the uptick seems to be occurring in a small fraction of locations across the southwest border, which is consistent with trends in years past.


Information reported Wednesday night paints a different picture. Single adult apprehensions jumped by triple-digit percentages in all nine southwest border sectors comparing January 20 to January 21 — 182 percent overall.


Likewise, the apprehension of Unaccompanied Alien Children also jumped in all nine southwest border sectors. The Del Rio and Big Bend Sectors witnessed triple-digit percentage increases. More significantly, the Rio Grande Valley sector, the nation’s busiest sector, jumped from 4,215 unaccompanied children to 7,295 — an increase of 73 percent.


January’s increase marks the ninth straight month of increased border apprehensions. The low point came in April 2020 when apprehensions fell to 17,104.

Anonymous ID: e3ec02 Feb. 10, 2021, 8:44 p.m. No.12888349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8364

COVID-19 Pt. 5: Psychologists, Scientists and The CIA Tell Us Fear is The Real Killer


There are two different worlds of fear right now: those who fear the virus and those who fear the future control of mankind being propelled under the guise of the virus. Through this, they have created a division – those who want others to fear the virus as much as them and become recluses, and those who want those who fear the virus to wake up from the spell they have been put under so they can stand and fight against their freedoms being stripped away by the day. Sometimes, when you are in the thick of it, it’s hard to discern what is truth. Keeping everyone in a perpetual state of fear is how they divide and conquer – but it goes much deeper and is far more sinister than that.


Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world. – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Part 5 is the most important part of this extensive report, and includes information and data that may stun you, and may very well confirm what you have suspected, or provide the missing pieces you needed to see with clarity. It encompasses the following sections:


• Some Basic Facts About the Virus


• Capitalizing on Fear


• Psychologists Explain How Fear Plays A Big Role in Epidemics and Pandemics


• Biology of Fear’s Effect on The Brain and Health


• Fear Cancels the Placebo Effect: Why This Matters


• CIA Documents on Brainwashing and “Learned Helplessness”


• Expert in Deception, Psychological Operations & National Security Speaks to Cadets at West Point


• The Road Ahead


We judge risk by our feelings more than looking at data and statistics and evidence – Paul Slovic, PhD


Over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, and 4% of the world’s population suffer from it, making anxiety and depression the most common mental health disorder in the world. The extreme messaging and misinformation carried out by the media, philanthropists, and politicians regarding Covid-19, hit every hot button to trigger the masses.


Part one of this 5-part report went over hospitalization data, showing that the 2017-2018 flu season had 810,000 hospitalizations, far exceeding Covid. For years the media has exclaimed that “hospitals are at capacity,” but no one paid much attention until now. Part two broke down the CDC’s data on how they have been combining pneumonia, influenza, and covid deaths as “PIC” to paint a larger number of Covid deaths. Part three covered the nursing homes which make up 38% of the reported Covid deaths. Part four explained how Dr. Deborah Birx and state health officials have stated that they are counting anyone who tests positive for Covid as a Covid death even though they have died from another cause. It also explained the PCR tests, how 90% of Covid-positives are asymptomatic with only a 0.7% household spread rate.


Think about it. If you change the past, you change human behavior. To change human motivation, we don’t have to persuade people, you can just change their memory. – Dr. Charles Morgan, Psychological and National Security Expert


Some Basic Facts About This Virus


It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. – Mark Twain


• Legacy news immediately brought on Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and former CDC Director Thomas Frieden to tell everyone that models show 1-2 million people will die in the U.S., and they need a lot of money to prepare for this, only later to admit the models were wrong.


• On January 3, 2021, the CDC released its year-end final week count of all-cause deaths, adding a staggering 269,259. This is unheard of for one week, or even two weeks, and it reveals how the CDC has been shifting other causes of death into the Covid category, as Corey’s Digs previously reported on.


• No country has ever received a specimen of the actual virus to isolate and purify, and China allegedly destroyed it. They only received a genome sequence that was uploaded to the internet, from China.


• After a year of scientists, doctors, lab workers, Corey’s Digs, and other alternative news sources reporting that PCR tests are producing false positive results, and even Dr. Anthony Fauci said that a cycle threshold over 36 will result in false positive tests, the World Health Organization came out on the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration to validate this, resulting in a sweeping decline in cases.


• Despite Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, WHO, and countless others consistently reassuring the public that everything will get back to normal once we have a vaccine, they are now claiming it’s not in fact a “vaccine,” will not prevent someone from getting Covid, will merely treat the symptoms, and therefore everyone needs to remain social distancing and wearing masks.