Anonymous ID: e43b5f Feb. 10, 2021, 8:48 p.m. No.12888373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8412 >>8418



No believe me.. I know… I'm with you guys, its just.. you look like idiots.. especially whichever one of you did the 20 posts on the last bread and got their feelings hurt when I tagged them all.. if you haven't figured out that your current manner of speech has been long weaponized against you and those that would support your cause.. you're blind.


You're tempted to talk shit about the jews because shit talk about the jews is suppressed, but.. shit talk about the jews isn't some new magic spell.. people been shit talking about the jews so long they've worked out a way to cash in on your shit talk against them..


Focus on the crime.. Focus on the sin.. It's not that they're jewish, its not that they're jews.. its what they actually do.. you don't have to be silent about them being jewish, but when you make it your focus… I honestly can't tell if you're just that much of an idiot or if you're purposefully trying to misrepresent everyone here as shills have been known to do..

Anonymous ID: e43b5f Feb. 10, 2021, 9:01 p.m. No.12888463   🗄️.is 🔗kun


its because both China AND our fuck-ups in DS are simultaneously desperate for their own reasons.. China is in a bad situation economically.. they have way overextended themselves and NEEDED to steal this election.. They HAD TO.. thats why they did it instead of waiting patiently like they could have in the past.. sure of course they felt threatened by Trump… but normally they could afford to be threatened and wait it out.. but Trump caught them with their dick out, over extended, with shitloads of shadow debt that will embarrass china for at least a decade when its brought to light….


And somehow, they were able to pressure a lot of our compliant/compromised pieces of shit to pull their dicks all the way out… and here we are.. deleting tweets and trying to put a ribbon on all previous discrediting endeavors with this impeachment.

Anonymous ID: e43b5f Feb. 10, 2021, 9:07 p.m. No.12888520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8599


I'm not at all offended so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.. there was a lot of conversation about the topic of jewhating, i was just chiming in on it.. initially somewhat in defense of the jew hating at least to the extent that they should be called out… Fuck the jews for all I care, but… not being offended isn't the same as running around espousing racial symbolism like an idiot…. why not just hate the crime? hate the sin? why not make that the focus? why argue with the people who don't want to hate the jews… why not tell them "yeah, its not that their jews, its not all jews, but look at all these disgusting criminals that call themselves jews, get on my side, they're disgusting right?


its like blacks and crime.. blacks do a lot of crime.. but just be against the crime.. you run around all "niggers niggers niggers" and you look like the nigger.


Easier to win people over without all that.. focus on the problem.. no one actually cares about skin color right? You might hate black people, but its not because of their skin color, right? get what i'm saying? don't get sucked into the vacuum that is the race conversation..

Anonymous ID: e43b5f Feb. 10, 2021, 9:11 p.m. No.12888568   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think they're pieces of shit… but i'm not about to start running around being like "HITLER HITLER, DOWN EVERYONES THROATS FUCK THE JEWS"


I'm going to keep telling people "hey, these rich fucking jews that run the media are corrupt as fuck" but not make it all about "jew"ness.. its just not effective… its been tried that way already in many places.. take russia for example.. putin ran the worst jews out by condemning capitalism.. putins not dumb or out of the loop.. he knows it wasn't capitalism, it was those jews, kek… but he successfully got rid of the worst group by appearing to chase away capitalism.. not great sure.. but it makes sense in the context of the russian experience with privatization.. it was easier to condemn the crime that occurred during privatization which people associated with capitalism, not an ethnic group, than condemn jews..

Anonymous ID: e43b5f Feb. 10, 2021, 9:17 p.m. No.12888624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8784


I agree, but when you're part of a large movement.. you can talk to your buds about niggers being extra risky to be around.. but don't broadcast that to the public… broadcast "we think crime is really bad, no matter who does it, we're totally against muggings.. there's a lot of fucking muggings in chicago, for example.. bad.. muggings are disgusting and we should all do something about it"


Its damaging to the cause of anti mugging to be be the idiot yelling "ITS THE FUCKING NIGGERS, Y'ALL, WAKE UP" everybody knows.. you're just giving the shills boners because now they turn up the temperature on the race issue.