Your probably gonna kick the shit outta me if you ever meet me in person for asking this next question … but here goes. I dragged this to my browser >7F62F04D-0B3A-4B66-AF51-381CD774E117.jpeg
Then this showed up:
China vs USA…Empires at [a very short] War
CHINA V USA : 50 Minute video : Some big shocks : Guess who would win? : within one week The US military will be rendered useless : Within 2 weeks they will have no oil and nothing will function : China knows it and so does USA:
In the light of western war mongering over Syria I suggest we spread this far and wide:
Here are some highlights ;
They have had a proxy war for years now and every time the West has been defeated:
The space war China blew their own satelite out of space for a test which shocked the USA:
They did it to prove that this is where the war would be fought:
This renders USA military machinery useless in weeks if not days:
USA too dependant on GPS and satellites China are not:
Posted 30th August 2013 by dogcicle
Along with a video by Rush Limbaugh that is no longer available.
Is this what you are talking about?