To understand the cabal one must go back into history. To compare the history of that time with the history of today makes no sense. The only thing that remains the same then and now is the plan to steer the world in their ways.
The Prehistory of the Second World War
The causes leading to the Second World War lie on top of each other like painted panes of glass. Only the colorful image on the uppermost, most recently placed glass can be seen quite clearly. The image on the next, lower pane is still recognizable, but already considerably duller. The images on the lower, older glass plates shimmer through only very faintly, but their colors and contours are still part of what one sees from above. Thus the surface image shows that in 1939
Germany invades Poland,
Russia steals half of Poland,
Poland is only the victim,
France and England help the oppressed Poles.
and in the end the USA supports and saves the helpers.
But already the picture below - from 1920 on - shows the severe human rights violations against the 11 million people of the non-Polish minorities in the multi-ethnic state of Poland. The harassment of the millions of Ukrainians, Germans and White Russians in Poland takes on forms in 1939 that they alone could have been a reason for war for the Soviet Union and Germany against Poland. The picture on this second uppermost pane of glass also includes the German-Polish dispute over Danzig and over free transport links through the "Polish corridor" to East Prussia, which was then separated from the Reich, and the outstanding Soviet bill for the territories of Ukraine and Belarus that Poland had taken from them in 1920. On another layer below, the arms races of the Americans, British and Japanese from 1920 onward, the arms race of the Soviets from 1930 onward, the Geneva disarmament negotiations blocked by the French until 1933, and then the German rearmament from 1934 onward can be seen. From the layers of deeper glasses, the humiliations that the victorious powers had caused the Germans, the Austrians and the Hungarians in 1920 through "Versailles" and the corresponding treaties, the war preparations of the British from 1906 against imperial Germany, the revenge of the French for their territorial losses suffered in 1871 and the humiliation of the Poles during the three partitions of their state from the time before still shine through. All this and much more had an effect in 1939.
To be continued