Anonymous ID: 2b93a0 Feb. 11, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.12894625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954


>seemed like half the comments disappeared and then it got stuck

It's been happening moar frequently recently where breads malfunction and/or lock up like that

Don't ask me why, as I have no clue what the cause would be.

All I know is that it has been happening.

The simplest solution seems to be to start a new bread and hope shit works moar better.

The fact that we still have an 8Kun to post on is good enough for me.

Nobody said we was perfect. We is trying our best. Well. Sort of. We're trying, at least.

Be thankful you don't have to scroll through that much tranny porn to see posts, and let's move on with our day…

Anonymous ID: 2b93a0 Feb. 11, 2021, 1:51 p.m. No.12894712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4769 >>4779


>Today is the 93 day from last post.

Wut the common core hell are you talking about?

Q posted in December.

Without opening a new tab to verify, the exact date, I wanna say it was the 8th


Here's why I don't need to open the new tab:

December has 31 days

January has 31 days

Combined that equals 62 days

Today is the 11th day of February

11+62= 73


Anonymous ID: 2b93a0 Feb. 11, 2021, 2:07 p.m. No.12894845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4933


>nope just great parenting

Obviously it's not the parents fault the world is absofuckinglutely retarded as fucking fuck.

If anything, the parents raised a smart kid, who saw just how fucking retarded the rest of humanity was and realized he was going to fucking be stuck here in this shit-hole of a clusterfuck for the rest of his life.

If the best the entire "grown-up"world could do was be afuckingfraid of the common cold, while forcing people to put masks on their fucking face to make every goddam symptom worse, yet nobody can use basic fucking common sense because people have gone out of their fucking way to purposely retard humanity via decades worth of indoctrination and brainwashing, I hate to say it, but that kid was smart AF for not wanting to put up with this shit any fucking longer.

He deserves a medal in his honor

Anonymous ID: 2b93a0 Feb. 11, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.12894993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5025


The rest of the world is forcing lockdowns on the innocent because they are scared of the POSSIBILITY of death from a virus with a 99+% survival rate.

Kid just said, "fuck it. I ain't scared of death" then sauced TF out of that statement.

Kid was most based person on the planet

Anonymous ID: 2b93a0 Feb. 11, 2021, 3:08 p.m. No.12895273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>because he was paying close attention to global politics

Kid did not have to pay attention to global politics to see people are retarded AF.

Kid was told cannot go to school or see friends because muh virus.

Kid was told must wear stupid mask because muh virus.

You're assuming kid was not smart enough to realize people are retarded AF, which is clearly NOT exclusive to global politics what-so-ever.

I'm not saying the kid made the right choice, but I can certainly understand where he might be coming from.

Sure. There may be an entirely deeper story behind his reasoning, and I am not claiming to know every last detail.

This is clearly not the only person who has committed suicide since the lockdowns and general retardation that has accompanied the corona hoax. People obviously have committed suicide prior to corona hoax. Thus, corona hoax is not the reasoning behind every last suicide. Still. I cannot blame the suicidal for their right to choose for themselves. I can certainly empathize with them, tho.


FFS, there is an entire "profession" that claims these cases of depression and suicides are a result of a "chemical imbalance". Just so they can prescribe a chemical "remedy". For all we know this kid could've been on one of those very medications, which knowingly speak of the "side effect" of death and/or suicide.

I know people who were prescribed depression meds at age 5. Not joking or lying. Just stating truths I know.

Point is, nobody bothers to blame the world in which we are forced to live for these very real cases of suicide. But the world is willing to stay oblivious, because otherwise it becomes rather depressing to be aware of the very real world around us and all the fucked up shit we have to encounter.


I'm not saying that child was aware of every last fucked up shit this world has to offer. But clearly he was aware of enough fucked up shit to do what he did. Either that or he was murdered to cover up some fucked up shit someone else may have done to him.

Either way, the world is clearly fucked up, and lil man don't gotta deal with this shit anymoar on an everyday basis.

It's sad. I know. But I feel terrible for every innocent person who is being forced to endure this world. That's really all I was trying to say.

Not much we can do to bring anyone back who has already crossed that line, themselves.

About all we can do is try to fix what's left, so others don't chose that sad, but legitimate, option.


Reasons like these are why I have refused to have children of my own. I cannot bring another person into this world, knowing that I hate TF out of this shit on a frequent enough basis to have had those thoughts myself. At least as an adult, I realized that I can spend my time here trying to fix shit to the best of my limited ability. Lil man might not have had any hope on the horizon. I understand how troubling such a scenario is. I've had over 30 years of my life permanently fucked by the inherent ignorance of mankind. This past year has been accompanied by insane amounts of stupidity unlike anything I have ever seen before. Children are far from immune from such stupidity reeking havoc over their lives. Rather, they are forced to abide by the most illogical of orders and dumbest of rules, simply because society refuses to accept the fact that most children are smarter than the retards who try to claim they are "grown up".