Anonymous ID: 8271d4 Feb. 11, 2021, 2:27 p.m. No.12894965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12894275 (other bread, now locked)

someone posts 'we are antifa, we own you prove me wrong'

if you 'own' people you are a slaver.

if you are a slaver you are a retrograde personality, and have not assumed the freedom that you deserve.

That freedom comes from freeing all your slaves, and freeing yourself from whoever is enslaving you.

because a slaver is always also a slave.

And so if you believe you can 'own' people, then

1st: BLM will hate you because they don't think that way.

2nd. you are owned and anyone who you think you own is not owned by you but by your masters.

and when they say kneel you kneel or bow you bow

or riot in the streets, you riot:

because you are a slave.

you crave what they give you, that acceptance.

it's not your fault it's the 'evil they', they might tell you.


So I prove you wrong by convincing you that 'owning' people is not something that is culturally acceptable in the modern age.


And since Abolition of Slavery is what the modern world is based upon, and what the Cabal has fought against since the days of the formalization of the rights of freed people that was outlined in Twelve Tables of the Law that used to be well known with a copy on display throughout what was called the civilized world.

And so you know that you don't own anyone.

and by now I hope you resent that there are people who think that they own or control you . . .

So be free.

The hardest part of becoming free is realizing that you are just a slave, when you thought you were free. if you did have slaves, you have an obligation to take care of them, and plan for their eventual freedom, or form a family with them.

you can't treat them as you delude in your manner of 'we own you'. In fact if you did own them you'd have feed them, house them, and give them care, treat them well, and not do things out side the law.

It's a hard obligation.

So, no , you don't own anyone here.

Anonymous ID: 8271d4 Feb. 11, 2021, 2:34 p.m. No.12895015   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've seen that movie too . . .


so she's a fraud then?

she looks for the dark lord type.

oh, it was 10 years ago.

so she reformed.


that tantric sex thing can be addictive.

He probably hypnotized her and . . . they just couldn't stop themselves because they were holding back . . . to save it and . . . it all burst at once, like a bad part of a Fraiser episode, cause some people live in a dream

and they tare down their lives for a couple of quick orgasms and a guy with a Mars-the Victor kind of look about him. But her husband was rather hot too . . .

the story goes like this: at the end of it the husband ends up with the tantric sex mar-impstter body builder, she larps Maga and gets swept in to congress?


oh, it's all a fiction. I know nothing.

Anonymous ID: 8271d4 Feb. 11, 2021, 2:38 p.m. No.12895052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now I would do a real meme, if I had the skills, and it would be 'Cryola' Caryawns

with 64 differnt colored carons.

and each 'wax pencil' would be in the shape of a tiny middleaged self-entitled complainer, like a sculpture garden.

Anonymous ID: 8271d4 Feb. 11, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.12895322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5332

every so often I think about the early 80s, the dance club scene, the qualudes, all the sick people who died . . .

some people who witnessed all that didn't end up dead.


and the modern LGBTQ? the people who were 'gay to stay' or 'we are queer, we are here' would not have liked the way that leftists deal with social media.

they would not have been liberal psychopants.

and they did not like bullies.


so how does the left claim their legacy?

Anonymous ID: 8271d4 Feb. 11, 2021, 3:20 p.m. No.12895366   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my point is that the rainbow flag and 'gay' became yet another tainted usurped movement/cause/whatever.

it started from something hard to fathom, a septic method of hazing people . . . to people trying to overcome sexual hangups.

but those hangups are used to control the people by bad people. So the bad people, instead, usurped the movement.

turned it into a 'become a eunuch' movement and a 'dare not express that tehre is any difference at all' movement.

it became a fraud.

the rainbow flag thus fails as a symbol other then as politics. It's been usurped.

the 'gays' are Democrat operatives.

and anyone who waz gay (late life celibacy) survivors of that 'life style' are no more likely to be democrats than anyone else.

were they born in the franchise? yes! they are democrats.

not born in it?

probably MAGA.