Anonymous ID: f40741 Feb. 11, 2021, 1:45 p.m. No.12894667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797 >>4979 >>5090 >>5239

Former Ohio Treasurer and 2022 Senatorial Candidate Josh Mandel Claims 2020 Election Stolen from Trump


Former Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel told WKYC President Trump won the 2020 election and time will prove him right.


Josh Mandel is running for Senator of Ohio in 2022.


Mandel was one of the first politicians to support candidate Trump in 2016.


** You can fonate to the Josh Mandel campaign here.


WKYC reported:


Former two-term Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel became the first Republican to formally declare a candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by party-mate Rob Portman, who announced recently he will not seek re-election next year.


In an on-camera interview with 3News, Mandel pledged to carry on former President Donald Trump’s agenda. Repeating lines nearly verbatim from his campaign press release, Mandel said the Trump’s second impeachment pushed him into action.


“I’ve been watching this sham and unconstitutional impeachment, and it’s really made my blood boil and it’s motivated me to run for the U.S. Senate,” he said. “I want to go to Washington to stand up for the Trump ‘America First’ agenda.”


At the heart of the impeachment trial is whether Trump incited the Jan. 6 riot on the U.S. Capitol as Congress began to certify the Electoral College votes. Trump urged his supporters in the months leading up to and on the day itself to challenge the results based on unfounded claims that widespread fraud tipped the election to his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden.


Mandel said time will prove that Trump won the election.

Anonymous ID: f40741 Feb. 11, 2021, 1:48 p.m. No.12894687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4717 >>4797 >>4979 >>5090 >>5239

W.H. COVID Adviser: ‘Complexity in the Detail’ on Whether Teachers Need to Be Vaccinated to Re-Open


On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” White House Senior Adviser on the COVID Response Andy Slavitt said he wishes there was “a one-word answer” to whether or not teachers need to be vaccinated in order for schools to re-open, “but there’s obviously complexity in the detail.”


Slavitt said, “I think what the CDC director believes is that every additional protective measure you take helps. So, vaccinations help, masks help, good ventilation helps. So — and if we were — and if we had an abundance of those tools, we would say everybody should do everything right now and then everybody would be as safe as possible. I think what she’s saying is, while we have a shortage, there are other ways to get there and to do it safely. That’s exactly the kind of detail she is going through painstakingly in this plan to say, what do you do if you have enough vaccines? What do you do if you don’t? How do you open? I think she’s trying to figure out how to get schools to yes under limited resources.”


Co-host Willie Geist then asked, “Well, her quote last week is, ‘safe re-opening does not suggest [that] teachers need to be vaccinated in order to re-open safely.’ Some of the teachers’ unions have said, we’re not going back to school unless our teachers are vaccinated. So, do they need to be vaccinated or not for schools to re-open?”


Slavitt responded, “I’m going to let her plan tomorrow speak to that. Because, as with everything, I wish there was a one-word answer, but there’s obviously complexity in the detail. That’s what the CDC does. The White House doesn’t want to be in the science business. We’re going to let them do that and then we’re going to try to implement it as — and help states implement it as quickly as they can.”

Anonymous ID: f40741 Feb. 11, 2021, 1:50 p.m. No.12894705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797 >>4979 >>5090 >>5239

Sleepy Joe Wakes Up ISIS: The ISLAMIC STATE Is BACK In Force And Causing Chaos


Pompeo Calls Out The Biden Regime


The Islamic State (ISIS) is back in force in the Middle East. The Biden administration does not seem interested in stopping ISIS, which President Donald Trump dismantled and contained during his tenure. With ISIS waging war on Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, will the terrorist group again grow to form a powerful caliphate?


Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that Biden could be taking foreign policy “back to when ISIS controlled a caliphate in Syria that was the size of Britain. I hope not. President Trump and our team took that down.” During the Obama administration, ISIS controlled considerable black-market wealth by operating oil wells and undercutting competitors on price per barrel — something the Obama administration was aware of because it was reported in the Western mainstream media including by The New York Times.


ISIS is back in force, claiming responsibility for two recent suicide bombings at the Baghdad marketplace in Iraq. ISIS is again asserting itself in Syria, where it killed 19 pro-Assad fighters in a surprise attack in Badia. The murder of two Syrian women prompted the Jerusalem Post headline “ISIS returns to target women in Syria.” Four ISIS suspects got arrested in Syria by the Syrian Democratic Forces, an anti-Assad predominately Kurdish opposition group that stated “The captured terrorists are responsible for supplying and transporting weapons and money.”


The Syrian Bashar al-Assad government is trying to get Biden to stop supporting the opposition Syrian Democratic Forces, which share ISIS’ goal of toppling Assad, but indications seem to be that Biden is moving in the opposite direction of peace. Certainly, ISIS’ unimpeded comeback in Syria is not boding well for Biden-Assad relations.


As the American intelligence class compares patriotic Donald Trump supporters in the United States to “al Qaeda,” calls them “the enemy within,” and calls for “counterinsurgency” tactics against them, people are beginning to wonder why our Deep State’s objectives appear to be so contradictory to the cause of securing the American homeland. The Biden regime is transparent in its neoliberal regime-change objectives in Syria, Russia, and possibly Iran and Myanmar and elsewhere. As we learned during the Obama administration, when ISIS grew out of U.S.-backed al Qaeda groups, jihadist radicals effectively fight for the same regime change objectives as the Western globalists. Another marriage of convenience, or perhaps more explicit romance, could develop under Biden while the mainstream media runs cover for the administration. After all, Biden’s current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan previously told Hillary Clinton in an email released by Wikileaks that “AQ (al Qaeda) is on our side in Syria.”



Anonymous ID: f40741 Feb. 11, 2021, 1:51 p.m. No.12894710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797 >>4979 >>4990 >>5090 >>5239

Cotton, Republicans Press Biden on ‘Unvetted’ and ‘Unvaccinated’ Illegal Aliens Pouring into USA as Coronavirus Pandemic Rages


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is pressing Democrat President Joe Biden to answer for what he calls dangerous immigration policies which are leading to flooding of the nation with “unvaccinated” illegal aliens capable of further spreading the coronavirus within America’s borders.


The letter from Cotton to Biden, signed by several other GOP senators, opens by noting Biden has re-implemented failed immigration policies from former President Barack Obama’s administration before adding that the Biden policies are endangering America’s public health as well as the nation’s public safety and economic well-being. The letter, which Breitbart News obtained exclusively ahead of its public release, is signed by Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Barrasso (R-WY), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Joni Ernst (R-IA), James Lankford (R-OK), Marco Rubio (R-FL), John Thune (R-SD), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rick Scott (R-FL), James Inhofe (R-OK), and Thom Tillis (R-NC).


“We write regarding your administration’s efforts to severely weaken border security and immigration controls in the midst of an historic pandemic,” Cotton and the GOP senators wrote to President Biden. “Your re-implementation of the failed Obama-era policy of “catch-and-release,” your planned rescission of international agreements like the Migration Protection Protocols (also known as the ‘Remain in Mexico’ program), and your attempts to dismantle immigration enforcement and halt deportations have predictably led to a surge of migration to our southern border. This endangers our economic recovery, weakens public safety, and imperils our nation’s public health.”


Despite Biden opening the country up for illegal alien access through the southern border, he and Democrat governors and local officials nationwide have kept much of the country closed to Americans. What’s more, on Wednesday, the Miami Herald reported the Biden administration was considering domestic travel restrictions, cutting off states like Florida from other states internally in the country. The Republican senators question how Biden could logically defend opening the gates at the border for illegal aliens while continuing crushing restrictions on ordinary Americans, keeping parents out of work and kids out of school. They question Biden on his logic of allowing swaths of “unvetted and likely unvaccinated illegal aliens to enter our nation” while he continues to restrict Americans’ activity in the name of public health.


“As we write this letter, main streets across America are shuttered, millions of parents can’t go to work, and children are kept from school,” the GOP senators wrote. “In a nation where everything seems closed, our border is now open. In violation of the law and common sense, your administration is allowing large numbers of unvetted and likely unvaccinated illegal aliens to enter our nation.”


The letter continues by pointing to public reporting indicating that Biden has decided to allow illegal aliens into the country en masse, issuing policies that direct agencies that would normally enforce the law to instead release the illegal aliens — again, who have likely not been tested for coronavirus infection or vaccinated against the virus — into the nation’s interior.

Anonymous ID: f40741 Feb. 11, 2021, 1:52 p.m. No.12894716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797 >>4979 >>5090 >>5239

Connecticut Democrats Want Insurance Companies to Subsidize Healthcare Coverage for Low-Income Residents, Illegal Migrants


Democrats in Connecticut are hoping private sector insurance companies will help them expand health care in the state by having the businesses subsidize coverage not only for low-income residents but for migrants who are living in the state illegally.


A local news outlet reported on the development, including referring to people living in the state and country illegally as “undocumented.”


The CT News Junkie website detailed the plan:


In addition to creating a public option through state Comptroller Kevin Lembo’s office to compete with insurance companies and lower premiums, this year’s legislation would seek to raise millions to help undocumented residents afford health insurance and increase the subsidies those below 200 percent of the federal poverty level currently receive. The plan will cost about $50 million, most of which the state expects insurance companies to pay.


Republican lawmakers are again pushing the idea of a federal reinsurance waiver, which would leverage federal funding to pay for the highest-cost claims and lower health insurance costs for everyone else.


Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly, R-Stratford, said during a press conference Monday that a reinsurance proposal would keep insurance jobs in Connecticut, be regulated by the Insurance Department, and be compliant with the Affordable Care Act. The public option pitched by the Democrats would not be regulated by the Insurance Department and would not need to be compatible with the ACA.


“I don’t get it, but then again I’m looking at it from the middle-class perspective,” Kelly said. “Health care premiums in Connecticut are way, way too expensive. They are crushing the middle-class family.”


“Middle-class families were promised eight years ago by the Democrats that they would have affordable health care — that promise has not been delivered,” Kelly said.


“The administration is looking at an assessment, similar to the one that passed the House on a bipartisan vote in 2019, that will sustainably fund a program making health insurance more affordable for the working families of Connecticut,” Democrat Gov. Ned Lamont’s chief of staff, Paul Mounds, told CT News Junkie. “The proposed bill tasks OHS [Office of Health Care Strategy] with developing a plan to do the most good within the limited resources available.”


Mounds added, “That plan could include reinsurance, but is more likely to include support targeted at certain income brackets.”


But Democrat State Sen. Matt Lesser said whether the insurance companies pass the assessment along to consumers will be their decision.


“That’s going to be a market decision,” Lesser said.


Susan Halpin, a lobbyist with the Connecticut Association of Health Plans, said subsidies are not always bad but punishing some people to help others is not what legislators should be doing.


“None of it addresses the underlying cost of care, which is the real problem,” Halpin said. “It just Band-Aids the issue.”